Chapter 5: Catching Up

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Kari smiled "How about while we wait, I cook something and we can talk, eat and catch up, sound good?"

Ford smiled back, "Sounds great, Ma, thank you."

Kari ruffled his hair and trailed off to the kitchen to make some dinner for her family. Ford twiddled his thumbs at the table as he waited, the delicious smells of food wafted into the dining room. He found himself taking apart and putting back together the small handgun he had taken from the small pile to keep his finger occupied as he jittered in his seat. Filbrick sighed "Something bothering you, son?"

Ford's wings drooped "I really hope we all make it through, I don't want you to die because of my stupidity..."

Stan patted his shoulder. "Don't worry Point Dexter, we're Pines, nothing can stop us, we'll beat those bad guys and you can finally be free."

Ford smiled at that, "Sounds like a plan-"


"-Stan" Ford finished, earning a furious glare from his twin. Shermy cackled.


Ford shoveled food into his mouth as everyone chatted away, he had missed Kari's food a lot, the mush he had been forced to eat had little to no flavour and he had detested it.

A man pushed the tray into the hatch and a thirteen-year-old Ford took it, wrinkling his nose at the goop "Whats this?" he asked. The guard chuckled "Breakfast" he said, slamming the hatch shut. Ford set the tray down on his bed and sighed, picking up the plastic spoon and poking at it "Just pretend its potato's or something" he muttered to himself. He pinched his nose and took a bite, trying not to spit it out "This is awful!" he whined.

"Shut it!"

Ford really missed his Ma's cooking now, even the awful brussel sprouts she would make him eat.

Shermy grinned "I just thought of a great idea!" he said, spearing a green bean with his fork, his eyes shining with delight.

"Oh? And what's that honey?" Kari asked,

"We could fill hundred of water balloons with oatmeal and throw them at the bad guys! From the living room window!"

Ford stopped eating and laughed. "Oh yes! Please do!" he said, imagining the men yelling in horror as the mushy breakfast splattered over their uniforms.

"Really!?" Shermy asked. Ford nodded "It's a great plan, kid."

Shermy wolfed down the rest of his dinner, "Can I be excused, Ma? Please?"

Kari nodded and Shermy shot from the table to go get started on his little balloon project. Ford watched him go with a soft smile and went back to his food. Pa was watching him with great interest as he devoured the heaping plateful, "Have you been starved or something?"

Ford shook his head. "No, flying just uses up a lot of energy,"

Filbrick nodded "Cause it does" he said. Ford cocked his head. "I'm sorry?"

"No, no, I'm just thinking" Filbrick reassured him, waving a hand at him as he went back to eating. Stan gave a confused look, not sure if Pa was angry at Ford for eating so much or not. Ford shrugged at him, Filbrick's gruff voice often confused them.


An hour, and one oatmeal covered Shermy later, they had enough water balloons filled with oatmeal to throw. Ford looked down at the large buckets of colored balloons with a chuckle. "This is going to be a riot."

Shermy held up a hand "Agreed, High Six?"

Ford was shocked for a second but high-fived him "High six."

He helped Shermy carry the heavy buckets into the living room which overlooked the street. He was able to lift two in each arm when Filbrick could barely lift one "What?" he asked, when his Pa looked at him in annoyance "They give you steroids too?"

Ford laughed "Nope, these are natural, working out was my play time."

Shermy grabbed one of his arms and Ford lifted him up off the ground, the boy giggling as Ford swung him about. Stan grabbed the other one, his skinny frame easy to lift.

"Stanley!" Ford said in shock, Stan smirked, "What?"

"You're lighter than Shermy!"

Stan let go and huffed, sitting on the window seat, "I'll eat more, I swear."

Ford sat down next to him and hugged him "You eat when you feel better, now, I don't know about you but I wanna scare the crap out of Crampelter, you in for some fun?"

A smile slowly spread across Stan's face and he jumped up "Yes!"

"Absolutely not!" Kari said, her hands on her hips. Ford grumbled "But I've been day dreaming about it for years!" the man whined. Kari shook her head "No, you will not be drawing attention to yourself!"

"Aughhh, Ma!" Ford fell to the ground and laid on his back, his wings out.

"Are you seriously having a tantrum?" Kari asked, an eyebrow raised in amusement, Ford shut his eyes and grumbled "No"


"Then get off the floor, you big baby" his Ma said, nudging him with a foot. Stan snorted with laughter as Ford sat up, using a wing to smack the floor in annoyance.


An eighteen-year-old Stanford gazed down at the expanse training room from the high platform, the usual hard floor had been covered in padding, just in case this failed. His instructor, a tall, well built man, stood behind him.

"Are you ready Subject 6?" he asked, a clipboard in his hands and a pen poised to take notes.

"No! Not at all" Ford squeaked. The Instructor chuckled "You have wings, learn to use them" he said, and with that he pushed him off the platform. Ford shrieked and fell, limbs waving about as his brain tried to process what had just happened. He gritted his teeth and unfurled his wings, his shoulder/wing joints twinging at the sudden sharp use and he shot up like a recently opened parachute.

For a second he thought he had it, but then the top of the dome came down to greet him and he hit the thick glass with a loud smack before falling down on to the padded floor with a thud. Ford ignored the laughter and groaned in humiliation, covering his face with his arm to block out the glaring sunlight from above, mocking him.

"Subject 6? Are you okay?" his Instructor called.

"Never better" he replied wearily, sitting up.

"Then, again!"

(A/N: Diagram by me! XD)

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(A/N: Diagram by me! XD)

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