Chapter 7: Pines! Pines! Pines!

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Stanford gave Kari a nod when the doorbell rang once more, and he leaned up against the wall of the doorway leading down to the shop, his gun locked and loaded. He had seen Oliver coming and had put everyone on high alert. Filbrick had his hands protectively on Shermy's shoulders as they stood beside him, a wing in front of them for protection. It wasn't the best of shields, but it would have to do for now. He could feel Shermy stroking the feathers softly and he smiled as he tried to concentrate.

"Can I help you? The stores closed for the day I'm afraid, Sunday and all." Kari's voice said. Oliver's bored reply filtered up the steps and Ford gritted his teeth, "I was actually hoping to talk to you, about your son?"

"Stanley? What did he do now? I'm sure whatever he's damaged we can replace if needed"

"No no, your other son, Stanford,"

"I'm sorry to say he's dead, been so for fifteen years, please don't bother us again" Kari said, her voice choking. He heard the bell jingle as Kari tried to close the door, "Are you sure?" Oliver insisted. Kari let out a sob, her acting skills were brilliant, "We had a funeral and everything, so please, just leave!"

When Oliver refused Kari sobbed harder "FILBRICK!" she yelled. Filbrick went down to investigate. "Is this man bothering you, dear?"

"He's asking about Stanford, I tried to tell him but he won't listen."

Filbrick growled "Get out of my store, you're upsetting my wife!"

Oliver sighed "I see, my apologies, sorry for bothering you, good day" he said. Kari locked the door and came back up, wiping the crocodile tears from her face as Filbrick followed close behind, "He's gone" Kari said softly. Stanford peeked out the window, using his good hearing to pick up the sound of Oliver's voice as the man walked back to his car, "It doesn't appear he's here, keep a lookout, if he doesn't turn up we can extend the search radius" he said into the walkie talkie. Ford sighed with relief and put the gun down, "Thanks Ma, who knew your lying skills could come in handy."

Kari waved a hand at him and smiled "Oh you."


Ford climbed up to the roof with his brother close behind. Both of them peeking out at the mass of people slowly appearing in the black vans as they clung to the roof tiles, "There's a lot of them, Stanford, are you sure you can fight them all?" Stan asked, watching the people in suits look around.

"Piece of cake."

Twenty-three-year-old Stanford gazed at the group of men, all of them wearing suits and all of them in a fighting stance. He found it rather strange to be wearing a suit to fight in, but this place was weird, so he didn't really question it. Ford got into a fighting pose, similar to the others. This would be his first time attacking real people instead of the test dummies he had been training against.

"Are you ready Subject 6?" the speaker asked. Ford nodded, and the men came at him, there would be no holding back, any kick, punch, bite or hit would be landing on him if needed, and vise versa.

He shot into the air immediately and swooped down, landing kicks, hits and punches that always landed where he wanted them to go. He was distracted for a second as he regained his bearings, and a hand grabbed his foot and swung him at the floor. Ford let out an 'oof' as he hit the ground with a smack, "Defend yourself from all angles, Subject 6."

Ford cuffed him with a wing and he let go,

"I know, you don't have to keep telling me."

Ford stood up, giving Shermy the all clear to throw. The excited boy picked up a balloon and Ford jumped off the roof, doing a forward roll in midair before he unfurled his wings and swooped across the street at a breakneck speed.

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