Chapter 3: Finally Home

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Stan helped him to his feet, eyes widening at the wings as Ford shook the sand from them.

"Am I seeing things?" he asked,

Ford shook his head "The place I was in, they gave me wings"

Stan gasped. "Can you fly!?"

"How did you think I got here?" Ford asked.

Stan grinned. "Wow!"

Ford sat back down on the swing, as did Stan "They kidnapped me and messed with my DNA, gave me wings and trained me to be a weapon, its not wow."

Stan had stars in his eyes "I think it's awesome, I want wings!"

Ford grumbled, "No Stan, you don't, it was painful and scary, and I hated every second of it" he said, burying his bare feet into the sand. Stan suddenly felt guilty, he looked down at the bandaged wrists as his twin scratched at them, "What happened to your arms?"

Ford sighed "I tried to kill myself..." he mumbled.

Stan put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'm glad you're okay. "

Ford smiled sadly at him.

"Now to tell Ma and Pa you're home."

Ford gulped. "This won't be easy."

"That's why you got me, brother," Stan said, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet.


Stan opened the door and the familiar jingle filled the air as the door hit the bell. Ford smiled fondly at the noise. Kari's voice floated down the stairs. "Stanley, sweetie, is that you?"

"Yeah, Ma! Can you and Pa come down here, it's urgent," Stan called.

Kari came down the stairs moments later, a small boy holding her hand. Stan smiled "Ma, look who came home," he said, moving aside to reveal Stanford.

Kari gasped "St-Stanford?"

Ford nodded, looking down at his feet awkwardly as Kari raced over and pulled her son into a hug, tears running down her face. "Oh my baby, you're okay! Wait what, w-what are these?" Kari asked, running her hand down one of Ford's wings. Ford pulled away. "I can explain it all when Pa gets here, and who's this?" he asked, noticing the small boy standing by the steps.

Kari smiled "This is Shermy, he's your younger brother"

"I have another brother?" Ford asked, not quite believing it. Kari nodded and Ford smiled and kneeled down to Shermy's height "Hey Shermy, my name's Stanford, I'm Stanley's twin"

"But, you died, Ma said you died," Shermy said. Ford shook his head "No, I was just away for a long time"


Ford stood up as Pa came down. "I guess it's time to explain."


"They did what!?"

Kari looked furious.

Stan patted her arm to try to get her to calm down. Pa was silent as Ford talked about the past fifteen years, everyone growing more horrified and shocked the more he talked. He cleared his throat once he had finished, "You escaped, but are they going to come after you?"

Ford stood up "Shit!" he cried, when he realized how stupid he had been, he shouldn't have come home, he had put everyone in danger!

Shermy giggled as Kari smacked her feathery son with Pa's newspaper "No swearing!" she cried, passing the paper back to her husband. Ford rubbed the back of his neck "Sorry, Ma" he said sheepishly. Stan poked the feathers on Ford's side "It's so weird, you're like a mutant now,"

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