Chapter 40: Charlie VIII Energy Flux

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Chapter 40 Charlie VIII Energy Flux

Several days have passed since we were kidnapped and found out that we are biblical Judges. Last night, Travis Greene performed a special concert after the evening session. Bruce was holding Lisa and although I was happy for them, a part of me was jealous. Jasmine lighten up and seemed ready to pass on the ministry to Shawn. We haven't seen any demons or fallen angels. Irene came by with her family and told us they were going on a vacation. All seemed well as we packed our bags to return to Jersey.

Although Jasmine would be retiring from being president, we decided to keep our band together to fight demons. Exorcist, demon slayers, I don't know what to call us, but we were going to make sure that we used our abilities to the best of our ability. We decided to keep the ministry name as our hunting group name. Find times to practice our abilities and try to keep connecting with the ghost memories that reside in us.

Imhotep still cross my mind as part of his memory was now entwined with ours. I could see his training with his halo and I'm sure the others could too. This trip to the leadership conference was interesting. We all had to overcome some sinful part of ourselves. Came face to face with the realization that life can be too short. We knew we wouldn't be perfect. We would fail, but we knew we had to keep going.

Once home, we reunited with families, our home churches, and the student ministry. Jasmine let others take turns teaching. I greeted everyone as they left as I always do until it was the five us and Lucy. She didn't look well and I could sense something off about her energy.

"Lucy are you alright?" Jasmine asked

"I feel weird, my energy seems off." she said. I noticed her eyes looking across the room and I saw what she did. A ghost of boy looked at her. The others looked at me and I knew they could see him too. Lucy looked at me and then at us and we nodded.

"Your energy is in flux." Shawn said, "but don't worry we can help you."

Jasmine went to talk to the boy. Bruce and Lisa guarded the door. I hugged Lucy from the side and smiled.

"Welcome to our secret club."

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