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And hell it was.

A bucket of cold water was dumped on Steve's body, causing him to gasp awake. Shivering, Steve realized that, despite his best efforts, he had fallen asleep. Blinking himself awake, Steve looked up at his roommates who were smiling down at Steve as though he was prey. And at Hydra Preparatory Academy, he was.

Swallowing down the forming lump in his throat, Steve attempted to sound strong as he bargained, "You don't have to do this."

"Oh, but we do," Brock argued, ducking under his bed to grab at Steve and pull him off his bunk.

As though they were well choreographed, Marcus and Jack easily worked at getting ahold of Steve too. As Steve struggled in their grasps to get out of their grasps, he questioned, "Why? Wasn't two nights in The Hell-Beast's Cell enough?"

Brock gleefully chuckled, "You're not going to the cell tonight."

Momentarily pausing in his movement, Steve asked, "I'm not?"

"Nope," Brock playfully enunciated, popping his lips on the P.

However, that didn't ease Steve's fear. Instead, it made it worse. Immediately, Steve's heart stuttered as he realized that tonight was going to be worse. It was going to be so much worse. And Steve didn't know how it could get worse. And he didn't particularly want to find out.

With the building of his anxieties, the faster Steve's heart thrummed in his chest. So fast in fact, that Steve was afraid that it was going to burst right out of his chest. While the fear vibrated under his skin, Steve started tugging at his limbs in hopes of getting out of their grip. Yet, their grips remained strong, tightening the more that Steve struggled.

"Fuck," Marcus cursed when he lost his grasp entirely.

Steve used that to his advantage as he took his now free hand, clenched it into a fist and immediately swung it at the tall, muscular brunet. Relieved when his fist actually connected, Steve hit him again, causing blood to gush from his roommate's nose.

Due to Marcus's nose possibly being broken, he let go of Steve entirely to clutch his nose. That was all Steve really needed as the other two brunets lost their balance. Using that, Steve kicked out of Brock's grip and made sure to kick Brock in his prominent jaw, while also punching Jack in the eye.

"What the fuck?" Brock practically growled in his anger as he turned around to grab Steve again.

Heart racing and blood pumping harshly in veins, Steve steadied himself. Knowing that he'd never win if he ran away, Steve stood, ready for a fight. Even if he knew he'd lose, Steve knew it was his best chance. After all, it worked pretty well with the mortals.

Brock rounded on him with a fury that Steve had never witnessed before and he held his fists up higher, ready. Steve's body shivered from his wet sleep shirt sticking to his slender frame and the air in the room being chilly. But now was not the time to try and warm himself up. After all, the adrenaline was bound to warm him up soon enough.

"You think you're hot shit, huh," Brock sneered as he got in Steve's space.

"Just trying to make it through the night," Steve replied, starting to feel the electricity build inside of him.

Usually, Steve refused to use his powers, but now was not a typical fight. Steve knew that Brock was going to kill him. Either directly or indirectly, Steve could feel it all the way to the marrow of his bones that Brock had no intentions of going easy on Steve. That none of his new roommates intended to let Steve walk out of wherever they were taking him.

"Guess you're shit out of luck," Brock cemented and swung his fist.

Before the punch could connect with the side of Steve's skull, Steve closed his eyes and allowed the energy radiating through him to push outward to stop the hit from connecting. But just because Steve blocked Brock's fist from hitting his body didn't mean that Steve didn't feel it. For Steve, it wasn't as hard as a fist against his temple. Instead, it reminded Steve of being whacked by a fluffy pillow at the Barnes' home. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to nearly knock him over.

Opening his eyes, Steve wasn't sure what he was expecting to see. But it definitely wasn't the fury burning in Brock's eyes. Brock clenched his jaw and snidely assumed, "So, that's the way you want to do this."

"No," Steve shook his head as he watched Brock take a step back. Steve tried to reason, "We don't have to do this at all."

"Too late," Brock scoffed, sending a chill down Steve's spine.

Then, before he knew what was coming, a force pushed Steve back so aggressively that he landed flat on his back. Having his breath knocked out of him, he laid there for a moment trying to regain it. Brock was already moving on to his next move before Steve could even figure out what was going on.

Harshly, another bodiless force lifted Steve in the air. Holding Steve there for a moment before pummeling Steve into the solid floor. Briefly, Steve wished that he was back in the cell. At least there the dirt floor was more cushioning than the marble tile.

The Chilling Adventures of Steve Rogers: Book One (Magical Hydra Horror AU)Where stories live. Discover now