10 - Marcus

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It was going to be three in the morning. Aella's eyes had become bloodshot and I was pretty sure mine had too.

I was worried about Leah, Hannah and Mia. Sure, they were very self-sufficient but they were still only nine.

I paced around in Aella's room as she looked outside. She quickly beckoned to me and I walked over to the balcony cautiously. The lawn seemed deserted.

"Quick! Hurry down and leave before the new guards arrive.",Aella whispered.

I nodded as I tightened the white bandage around my palm and threw one leg across the banister. I waited for a few seconds, taking a bated breath as I looked at Aella. Her usually hooded eyes only displayed one emotion: fear. If Aella was scared of something, I didn't even wanna know what it was.

She looked at me and I had to control myself from reaching out and running my hand through her soft hair that appeared to glow in the moonlight and run it down to her beautiful waist or her long, smooth legs.

"Go!",she whispered, her eyes widening slightly. Her deep blue eyes looked like two moons of their own.

A wisp of hair fanned her face, falling over her nose and lips.

I gave her a crooked smile. She steeled her eyes but I could see the beginning of a smile on her lips before it vanished.
"What?",she asked, trying to sound angry.

"What time should I come tomorrow?",I grinned.

"You don't.",she said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Watch me.",I winked as I put the other leg over the banister and stood on the edge by gripping the banister.

She rolled her eyes.
"Ok I'll make you a deal. Just leave me alone after that. What do you want?",she said, placing her hands on the banister and glaring at me.

I smirked.
"One evening. A date."

Her eyes widened in surprise as she took a step back.

Ok maybe that was a little too straightforward.

"Is that a yes?",I asked. I could hear voices from inside the house.

She looked around hurriedly and frustratedly thumped her hands on the bannister.
"Ugh. Okay. Fine. One hour. Not more. And if you try anything, I have my pepper spray and boxing skills."

I snorted.
"Boxing skills."

She rolled her eyes but this time, I caught the smile on her face before it could vanish.

"Tomorrow. Meet me at Jackson's at 9. That's when I get off my shift.",I grinned.

"You work at Jackson's? Marcus the bad boy is a waiter at Jackson's?",she asked sarcastically.

I grinned and winked as I jumped off the banister. I looked up at Aella's shadow and she looked back at me once before turning around and walking away. The grass crunched under my boots as I dashed towards the exit.

My job here was done.

I had got the information boss had asked and I'd even convinced her to go on a date with me. I could easily drive her to the warehouse now and leave the rest to Boss. Boss would make my final payment and I would haul ass out of the town with Leah, Hannah and Mia.

I finally reached the exit and sat in the shadow of the wall for a while. I could still see Aella's balcony from where I sat. The power had still not come back. I breathed a little heavily from my run and put a hand on my waist, trying to grab a breath.

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