18 - Marcus

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"I need to talk to him.",I said.

The guard nodded and led me to one of the inner chambers of the warehouse. The place looked the same since Boss and his gangmates were driven out.

Boss was not an easy man to get rid of. He would definitely be back. But for now, I focused on the important matter.

I was led into one of the chambers where Dad sat with his back facing towards me. He was sitting on a chair and his feet were put up on another chair.

The guard whispered something to him and he turned around in his chair. His eyes lit up and I could see him clearly, despite the poor lighting of the room.

"Marcus!",he said.

"I will join your gang.",I said bluntly.

"What?",he said, clearly surprised but still happy.

"I will join your gang. But I have another condition.",I said.

"Anything, son.",he said.

"I have...a friend. She is kind of in a tough spot right now and let's just say her life's in danger. If she can join this gang, I am ready to join too.",I said.

Dad looked a little suspicious for a minute.
"Why is her life in danger?"

"Yes or no? I am not answering your questions.",I said coldly.

"I don't know anything about her! Who is she? Where is she from? Is she even prepared to be a part of a gang?",he asked exasperatedly.

"I'm not telling you anything about her. But yes, she is capable enough to be a part of this group."

"Okay then. But if she does anything, anything at all that caused harm to my gang, all of you will be back at the mercy of your Boss.",he said coldly.

I nodded.

He sighed.
"Fine then. We're moving out of the city next week. Have her ready."

That hit me like a brick to the face.
"Wait, what?",I asked.

"We're moving out of the city. We're not safe here. Your Boss will be back. He doesn't give up that easily. We better get out while we have time. My gang is not as big or as strong as his, son.",he said.

I cleared my throat and nodded.
"I'll talk to her then."

"I wish you luck. If she is ready, we will leave next week."


As promised, Aella stood in the place I had asked her to come to. She was kicking a rock with her boot. She looked amazing as usual with her long sleeved black shirt and her jeans.

She looked up at me when I walked closer.

"What is it then, asshat?",she said as the corner of her lips twitched. There was a sort of excited gleam in her eyes which she was trying really hard to suppress.

I took a deep breath.
"Remember how I told you my dad was back with his gang?"

She nodded.

"He said he would help me out. He said he would give me a place in his gang and ensure that my sisters and I remained safe. He offered to get me into a good college. He offered to fund my sisters' education. He offered me all this and I took some time to think.",I said.

She nodded and folded her arms, leaning on the wall behind her.

I took another breath. This was probably gonna just make her mad. This plan looked ridiculous to me now. Why would she ever agree to it?

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