Chapter 25

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Brooklyn's POV
I kept on staring at August as I gather all of my belongings and stuffed them into my suit case.
About a week ago I was staying at a hotel because I was too afraid of what August might do but he's pretty calm about it.
I was moving back into my original house that has been finish repairing for a couple of weeks.
I tried to stuff as much stuff into the bag as I could but I still had to carry some stuff.
Once I was done packing I walk downstairs as August followed me.
He opened the door so I could squeeze through it with my suitcase and my huge bag.
Before I was halfway out the door I turned around and planted a sweet kiss on the side of his face.
He didn't seem to mind as he just stood there waiting for me to leave his house.
Once I was out the door he slammed the door behind me.
"You forgot your key." I thought.
Oh well looks like he ain't getting his key back.
I hurried to walk over to my house and open the door because it was freezing outside.
I haven't been in my house in over a month and half so I have no clue what it looks like at all.
As I opened the door the smell of mothballs hit my nose.
I scrunch up my nose in disgust.
I looked around at my house to see it looked exactly how I had it before the break in.
I walked up to my room and set my suitcase and bag on the floor.
I then took one step and then jumped in my bed.
It feels good to be in my own bed.
Not even seconds after I laid down in the bed the doorbell ranged.
I groaned before getting out the comfortable bed and walking back downstairs.
"Who is it?" I called from behind the door.
"It's me baby." A familiar voice called from the other side of the door.
I gasped before swinging the door open.
I pulled my mother into a bear hug. "Mom what are you doing here?" I questioned her.
She wrapped her arms around my small body.
"I came to see you. Do you have a problem with that?" She asked giving me a strange look.
"Nope not at all." I replied.
"Oh good. Well I didn't know if you were gonna be here or not because you said that you were staying with a friend." She said eyes locked on me.
"Well about that...he um got fed up with me and kicked me out." I lied.
"He?" My mom questioned me.
"Yeah a he." I replied hoping she wouldn't say anything about it but she did.
"Why would you stay with some hoodrat when you could've just stayed with me? You know men are no good and they're off limits for you." She replied back.
I rolled my eyes. "They're not off limits for me. I'm twenty-two years old and I can talk to whoever I want to talk to." I demanded angrily.
She pulled my arm tightly. "You're gonna end up like your sister." She said making me gasp.
"Why would you even bring her up? You know how I feel about her!" I snapped.
"She was bound to come up in the conversation with the way you're acting , like a slut." She replied whispering the last word but I heard her of course.
I gave her a mean look before cutting my eyes at her and walking away.
This is the reason why I left Cali to get away from my evil mother.
Her bedroom in MM. 💘
Do you think her mother is evil?
What do you think happened to her sister?
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Xoxo - Msfanfictional 💖

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