Boom! Banana Slamma! Part 9

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(We cut to Zac being chased by King Krool)

King Krool: Get back here you spineless worm!

Zac: aaahhh!

Cranky Kong: hey! Funky! I have a plain.

Funky Kong: yeah dude?

Cranky Kong: tell Zac this...

(Cranky Kong whispers something to Funky Kong's ear)

Zac: uhh... guys! Big scary crocodile chasing me!

King Krool: you can't run away foreve-

(King Krool triggers one of his own traps on himself. Fire bursted from where he stands)

King Krool: GAAAHH! HOT! HOT! HOT!

(King Krool looks over to see one of his Kritters at the control panel.)

Kritter: sorry boss.


Funky Kong: Zac! Try to free Cranky! He can take control of the traps!

Zac: okay!

(Zac runs to Cranky Kong, tied up in his bed)

(Zac starts untying his knots)

Cranky Kong: Hurry Zac! Krool is approaching fast!

Zac: huh?

(King Krool is charging at Zac)

(Zac jumped out of the way as King Krool body slams Caranky's bed)

Cranky: Gahhh!

King Krool: haha! Thought you could escape me- wait... grrrrr! Get back here you coward!

(Cranky Kong is free)

Cranky Kong: ow.... My bones... my old frail bones...

(Cranky Kong finds his walking stick and picks himself up)

Cranky Kong: well that's one way to be free...

(Cranky Kong walks up to the Kritter in the control panel and pokes his shoulder.)

Cranky Kong: excuse me... you wouldn't hurt an old monkey would you?

Kritter: uhh... maybe-


(Cranky Kong whacked the Kritter into next week, knocking him out,)

Cranky Kong: okay. Now it's all up to my eye sight.

(Back with Funky Kong)

Funky Kong: Zac! Come here! Quick!

(Zac ran to Funky Kong as quickly as possible)

Zac: yeah?

Funky Kong: Cranky's got control of the traps! Let him know what trap to use by using your hand.! 1 for fire, 2 for saws, and 3 for heavy objects!

Zac: okay!

Funky Kong: *Gasp* Surf now dude! Here come the tidal wave

(King Krool Charges at Funky Kong's cage)

Zac: *Gasp*

(Zac ran away)

King Krool: just wait till I get my claws on you!

Zac: okay... lets see what saws do.

(Zac holds up a "2" sign)

Cranky Kong: saws? If you say so

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