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Rose pov:

It was twelve am and Christian wasn't back yet at all. I have a class at seven thirty. I placed my hand on my belly and looked at myself in the mirror.

"This isn't your fault baby, your father is just shocked as of right now." I whisper to my belly

I cleaned up the rest of the kitchen and tried calling Christian again. I texted Cody seeing if Christian went over there and Cody said no. I tried texting Ryan but no response. I called his mother and she said she hasn't seen him and wanted to know she is excited for me to come over for thanksgiving. Where is Christian? Where the hell did he go?

The front door opened and I looked at him. He was drunk. I could smell the alcohol on him. I walk over to him.

"Christian, are you alright?" I asked

"Y-you are fucking amazing." He says giggling

"Oh am I?" I asked taking his hand

"Ooo m-y-my lucking day." He slurs

"Oh no you aren't getting any action you are going to bed sweetie." I say walking us to the bedroom

"Great, it starts now." He groans and lays on the bed

"What starts?" I asked

"You not wanting me because you are scared our sex will hurt the baby." He slurs

"No, I never said I didn't won't sex just you are really really drunk and I don't feel like it tonight." I say pulling him up getting his shirt off.

He places his head on my belly.

"Don't you dare take your mother from me because she is my everything." He mumbles

I roll my eyes, and lay him back down.

"I think our child will share me with you I swear." I say laughing

"The child better because I got you and no one is taking you from me." He groans rolling over

Yeah, he is super drunk and I'm just going to ignore him. I get his keys, wallet and his phone out of his pocket. His phone lit up with a text message.

"It was great having you at the house, and remember what I said if you need anything I am here no matter what it is." Xoxo Claire

Are you fucking kidding me. I place his stuff down on the bedside table and I get the keys to his office and I grab the blanket on the chair in the bedroom. How could he go see her? He confined in her instead of me? I can't believe this. I locked myself in his office because he sometimes keeps it locked anyways. I laid there on the sofa in his office crying. My feelings are hurt. I am hurt.

The next morning Christian pov:

I groan waking up and yes I have a major hangover. I cranked way too much. I shouldn't have drunk that much and I shouldn't have drove home either but it's whatever. I get off the bed going to the bathroom.


No answer maybe she is in the kitchen.


Maybe the gym?


Nope, movie room.

"Rose you in here?"

Fuck, did she leave? I look outside and her car and my other cars are still here. Maybe the office. Locked. Nope she can't be in there she doesn't know which key it is. Maybe the sex room? No she really never goes in there.

The front door opens and it's Cody and Josie.

"Hey I am here to take Rose to her class she asked me last night if I would." Josie says

"I can't find her she isn't here maybe she took a cab?" I asked

"I don't know." She says

"Um Christian." Cody says pointing

"Where the fuck have you've been?" I asked

"Josie I'll be ready in a few minutes." She says ignoring me and walking to our room locking the door.

"What the hell happened?" Cody asked

"No idea." I say waiting by the door

A few minutes later she comes out and walks past me. "So that's it we aren't going to talk about what happened?" I asked

"Christian I can't express this enough, you should've talked to me instead of walking out of that fucking door and going to Claire's." She says

"I fucked up, when you told me you were pregnant I was and still am scared, and yes I might have went to Claire's and talked to her about it." I say

"Did you sleep with her?" She asked

"What you think I actually cheat on you?" I asked

"You did when you choose her over us, you choose her to cry to , to talk to and to feel for...you choose Claire over your family Christian and I don't know what I am going to do about that." She says crying

"Yes, I know I fucked up I told you I am a fucked up man, I didn't take the news lightly." I say taking her hand

She pulls away. "I get it you aren't so excited to be a father and the timing probably not so swell, but babies happen when you have sex and well Christian you love having sex and we fucked a lot." She breathes "either we can do this together or I'll do it alone because that's what a good parent does they pick their child over everything and I'll be damned to raise a child with a man who doesn't love it." She says walking out the door

"Do you need me to leave?" Cody asked

"No man, I need a friend." I say tearing up

I sit down and breathe slowly. I couldn't help but cry. Cody came over and pats my back.

"Man, it's okay trust me." He says

"No she is right, why should she be here if I don't want the child?" I asked

"Wait you really don't won't the child?" He asked

"No, yes I don't know right now I don't know because man I'm not that much of a good man." I put my head in my hands

"Christian, you are a better man than you were two years ago, Rose has changed you Yelich and you are going to be a great fucking father to that baby." He says

"Are you sure, like I don't know the first thing I'm taking care of a child." I say

"Dude, you won't be alone Rose will be there, Josie, your family and me plus they have classes." He says

"You're right, but I fucked up with her she will never forgive." I say

"Dude she didn't say she is done with you, she just said she won't raise a child with you if you don't love it." He says

"What should I do to make it up to her?" I asked

"Let's get something for a nursery." He says

"Like a crib and lets get diapers and bottles and bibs." I say

"Well come on then man because you are going to do great things Christian and your child is going to love you." Cody says

"Thanks man, you're my best friend man I love you." I say hugging him

"Love you too man." He says


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