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Back in Milwaukee

That whole trip to Arizona really spoke to me, and it made me realize how much family is important and that some people don't accept you for who you are. I told mama and dad they can visit any time they want and I won't be able to travel here soon. Mark apologized to Christian and I for the whole Claire thing and that she is checking herself into a rehab and she wrote me a letter apologizing to Christian and I.

I sat on the couch watching the snow fall, and the fireplace was going and it was peaceful. Josie comes sits down and smiles at me.

"I'm glad my two best friends are okay." She says

"Thank you, and I love you Josie." I say

"Honey, I love you too." She says

"I'm so happy for you and Cody I can't wait till y'all wedding next year." I say

"How did Christian enjoy is birthday?" She asked

"Well we were on a plane and as soon as I got home I cooked him his favorite food, and well all he wanted to do was read to my belly and I say he it was a change from partying." I say

"Well, Yelich is twenty eight and you are newly twenty two and pregnant." She says

"Christian is a hot twenty eight year old." I say

I smile, and Christian comes inside the door with Cody.

"There is my fiancé ." Josie says

"You know just wait till y'all get married she will my husband everyone." I say

"Damn right." She says

Josie hugs me and kisses my belly getting up and going over to Cody.

"Rose, thank you for helping her plan our wedding." Cody says

"Please, thank you both for two boxes of newborn diapers I think she is all set." I say

"Speaking of she...any names?" Cody asked

"Yeah I picked it out and I'm not telling anyone until little miss is born." Christian says

"I let him pick it out." I say

"Look at you two parenting and compromising." Josie says

"Almost like being married." Cody says

"Okay, no more like we want to work things out for our child." Christian says

"Oh forgot someone is afraid of marriage talk." Josie says

"Don't y'all have something to do?" Christian asked

"Yeah yeah." Cody says

"Love you both." They say

"We love you." I say

"I'm not scared of marriage." Christian says

I laugh wrapping my arms around him "oh no of course not."

"You don't believe me?" He asked

I kiss his lips. "Christian it's okay I'm not asking to marry me any time soon."

"You know what I was thinking." He says

"What were you thinking?" I asked

"How my house is going to be filled with a bunch of girly things, and I'll be out numbered and so our daughter will need a brother." He says

I let him go. "Woah cowboy let's get this one out of the barn first and then after a year or two then we will talk about another one."

"I just can't wait till I can do my things to you, once you are cleared for sex after the baby." He says

"Oh what, hormones and bump don't turn you on Yelich?" I asked laughing trying to be sexy with my bump

He shakes his head laughing.

"No because you have my daughter in you and it doesn't turn me on but I still find you attractive as hell and so I'm glad you still wanna do stuff." He says

"Bless the hormone gods for that." I say

"And for your random attitudes." He say

I start tearing up.

"What I was joking." He says

"It's not that, I just thought about this I'm about to get really fat." I cry even more

He gets up and comes over to me. "Baby it's just our baby girl growing." He says

I cry louder.

"What can I get to make you stop crying?" He asked

I hug him. "Tell me the baby name."

"Nice try." He says

I stop crying. "Listen girl you gotta help mama up her crying game." I say to my belly

"Nope, she is team daddy all the way." Christian says

"Should've known girls love their daddies." I say

"I'm going to go work out." He says

"Wait, can we shower together after?" I asked

"Well duh, the shower is the best part, and wanna watch me workout?" He asked

"Oh I couldn't, thats too much for me." I say

"Aright, well you two don't get into any trouble while I go workout in our gym." He says

I look down at my belly. "What kind of trouble would we get into?" I ask "god I can't wait till you are here."

We didn't do much on our first night back, and I'm glad I needed a break I'm getting tired more. I know it's because of my pregnancy and well it's okay. Soon my sweet princess will be in my arms and my life will be complete.


Sorry this is short! 💕🥺

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