Chapter 1: tell us a story

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Cover photo: Icestorm

I blinked my eyes open and was almost blinded by the sun streaming in through the den entrance. I turned my head away from the light and snuggled deeper into my mother's fur. My brother, Eagle, was lying next to me, his dark grey, kit-soft fur fluffed out and rumpled from sleeping on it. Icestorm, my mother, bent her neck down and licked down a patch of fur on my head.

"Good morning, little one. How was your sleep?" Icestorm asks, purring gently

I yawn in reply and snuggled down farther into the moss nest. I was about to fall asleep again when I felt two tiny paws slam down onto my flicking tail. I jumped up to see Eagle chasing my tail. I spun around and make a clumsy flying leap at him.

"I'm gonna get you!" I trilled out

Eagle spun around and started to bound across the small clearing, mewing excitedly, his paws not breaking through the thick covering of snow on the ground.

I yowled in excitement and gave chase. My paws broke through a thin part in the snow, and I floundered around in the fluffy snow beneath the hard crust covering.

Eagle ran up to the edge of the hole I had made.

"Ha, you fell, you felllll" said Eagle in playful mockery

"Ya, I fell..." I say, getting into a crouch, I sprung up and wrapped my paws around Eagle's neck, and started to drag him down into the hole "...but I'm taking you down with meeee!" I say

I hear paw steps fast approaching. Then I saw my mom's face peering down from the top of the hole

"Frost! Eagle! What are you doing out here? You'll both catch a cold!" exclaimed Icestorm, scooping us out of the hole.

She bundled us back towards our den. Icestorm settled down and pulled us close to her belly to warm us up.

"Tell us a story!" exclaims Eagle, his tail twitching in excitement

"Ok, If you'll stay in the den long enough for me to tell one," Icestorm says with a giggle

As me and Eagle settled down, Icestorm began the story.

"I'm going to tell you the story of the clans" begins Icestorm

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