Chapter 1

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"You carry so much love in your heart. Give some. To yourself." -r.z.

   This week has been kicking my ass. There is so much chaos going on. I have to pay the rent soon which I still don't have enough money for despite working two jobs. Bills are due in three days and I haven't eaten in two, but that's okay because when I publish a novel I will be better.  I have sent some manuscripts here and there but they still haven't gotten back to me. 

Working as a waitress was a pain the customers were usually entitled, they always drove me insane but making two-hundred dollars in tips a night was good with all the expenses I have in my life. My shift was over in less than two minutes so I was going around letting the customers I was helping that a co-worker of mine would be taking over for me and making sure that they had a great meal. My regulars thanked me, gave me a tip, and others just gave an okay. I made my way to the back of the resturant and sighed. A ten-hour shift just to go work a second job in a couple of hours.

As I changed shoes and left the black slip-resistant shoes in the locker I got my black chucks. I got up and decided to head out, before making it out of the locker room my friend, Lex stopped me. I turned around and she was just changing, I'm guessing they gave her the closing shift. She was one of the best closers and well I was one of the few that could open considering we open at four in the morning. She gave me a look that I knew all too well. She had asked me something a while ago and I avoided it. 

"Have you thought of it?" I looked at her and half-smiled. Of course, I have thought about the offer she told me about but I also knew that the offer would be taking a toll on my family and on me. 

"I have and it is tempting but I don't think it is the best thing right now. There is too much going on with the boys, Cayden, and my writing." I explained. Lex smiled. She assures me that she understood and handed me her mother's business card in case I change my mind. Lex was an interesting person. We have known each other since we were in middle school and our friendship survived high school and now she is one semester away from graduating with a degree in History  and well, I have dropped out of college. Lex only works because she wants to, her mother has a company that is very successful. Her mother runs a surrogacy company that has a very exclusive client list. 

Her mother offered me a job, she wanted me to become one of her surrogates she said she rarely offered jobs like this to people as young as me but she said that she knew I was mature enough to handle this and she knew that I was also in desperate need of money. I thanked Lex and wished her a good shift as I headed out of the locker room. 

   The walk to my apartment was really short considering that it was about two blocks away from Reyes, the restaurant I work in. When I walked in I could already hear the screaming. I looked over and saw my younger brothers running around. "I'm going to kill you." My 16-year-old brother Havery shouted at Austin who was 13. 

"Woah, woah what is going on?!" I shouted over them. 

"He broke my skateboard." Harvey yelled as he charged for Austin. I blocked him and told him to relax. 

"It was an accident." Austin assured me. After ten minutes of back and forth yelling I was able to get both boys to calm down. 

"Where is Cayden?" I asked. 

"Put him down an hour ago, he is out." I thanked Harvey for that. He has been a huge help in this crazy chaotic life that we have had. As the night got closer I helped Austin with some homework and promised Harvey that I would buy him a new board in two paychecks. 

  Before leaving for my bartending job I walked into my room to check on a sleeping Cayden. He was nine months only a couple of months away from turning 1 and I was trying my hardest for all three boys. I wasn't just their older sister I was the only person they had left to look after them in this world. I gently kissed him on the forehead and walked out of my room. I would be out of work by 5 in the morning, wake up Harvey to get ready for school who will get Austin up and they both walk to school together, which usually left me with two hours or two and a half hours of sleep if I am lucky and Cayden sleeps in. 


   Reyes was a bit hectic we were understaffed and for some reason, our rush hour had been going on for three hours. All the staff was running around taking orders, taking food to the tables, and making drinks. We were short a bartender so I stepped in to help to make the drinks. As I worked on making drinks Lex came up to me handing me the phone because there was a call for me. 

The news that I got on the phone wasn't the greatest. Austin had broken an arm and was being taken to the hospital. Harvey, of course, was with him and well I am the emergency contact and got called. I sighed and checked my phone and had four missed calls from Harvey and text telling me where they were going. I look at Lex and she knows that I had to leave and she assured me that it was fine. 

  The hospital was far but thankfully Lex paid an uber for me. I arrived to the hospital and quickly went to find where my brothers were at. I had also texted Cayden's babysitter who said she would be able to bring him over to the hospital for me. 

I walked into the room and saw that he was okay and they were asking him to pick a color for the cast they were going to put on him. I was asked by the nurse if we could talk outside and I walked out with her. She handed me the medical consent form and billing information. I let out a frustrated sigh, this was 3,ooo dollars that I had to pay because we didn't have medical insurance. She also let me know that if we couldn't pay it, it would be sent into a collection agency. I thanked her and walked back into the room with a smile I was not going to worry the boys about this. 

"How are you feeling love?" I asked Austin. 

"Hungry." The 13-year-old answered. 

"We will get mushroom and pepperoni pizza on the way home." I told him. Austin smiled and Harvey made a yuck face. Austin was a bit weird when it came to pizza toppings. When Cayden was dropped off I thanked his babysitter and paid her. I walked over and handed him to Harvey. "I will be back, I have to go make a call." 

   I walked out of the hospital and took out my phone. I dialed a number that I knew was going to change my life. 

"Candy Jacobs speaking what can I do for you today?" Lex's mother said as she answered the phone. 

"Mrs. Jacobs it's Jo Matthews. I wanted to see if the offer is still there. For a job as a surrogate?" 

"Of course it is dear. Come by my office in two days and we will begin the process." I thanked her and went back to my brothers. The things we do for the people we love. I know no limits when it comes to those I love. I am willing to set myself on fire just to keep them warm if I had to.

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