Chapter 6

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"Perhaps one day, they'll understand all the sacrifices she gladly made out of love for them." ~John Mark Green

It became a routine as if she never left my life. Justice would come in the morning and make breakfast with me. She would take the boys to school and then come back and take me to work. At first, I was really resistant to her doing it but after a couple of weeks I gave in. I was okay with the idea of her being around. I understood that this was just temporary that the second I gave birth Justice was going to leave and that she wasn't going to come back and we would go back to being strangers. To just being people who shared a past.

When she dropped me off at work Lex saw us and I knew she had questions. I knew she was going to ask them the second I stepped into the restaurant. Before I stepped out of the car Justice asked me to think about her offer to be in charge of me financially while I was being her surrogate. I laughed and told her no but thank her for the ride.

"What time am I picking you up?" She asked.

"You are not picking me up." I let her know and she looked confused, so I explained further. "Rent is due in three days, I need the money so I am covering two shifts today. I won't be done here till like three in the morning." With that, I walked away and went into the resturant and went to change shoes.

Through most of my shift, Lex did not say anything we just glance at each other. Lex was the only other person staying here with me until three in the morning and when we both did these shifts we had a tradition that sadly I would not be able to be taking part in today.

"Shot?" Lex said as she handed me a shot of tequila.

"I can't," I gave Lex a small apologetic smile.

"Why?" I looked down. Lex is my best friend and I can never lie to her. She is the one person that has been there for me for everything. "Jo you're already pulled up to work with your ex, you really can't disappoint me anymore." We both chuckled at her words. She didn't mean them in a harsh way she was only playing around.

"I am pregnant with Justice's child." I could see the shock written all over my best friend's face. "I accepted your mom's offer for a job. The person that I am surrogating for happens to be Justice." Lex was laughing.

"Wow." She said between chuckles. "You are fucked."

"I'm going to be fine," I told my best friend giving her a serious look.

"Are you?" I could hear the concern in Lex's voice. "Justice was everything for you. When you two broke up you barely survived that. You laid on your room floor for eight days until we could get you to eat and leave your room. Even now you haven't dated anyone since Justice you just been sleeping with whatever girl lets you hit it."

I looked down, Lex wasn't wrong everything she said was true. I had not dated someone since Justice. I just became a whore and hell I was okay with that. I wanted no feelings just sex. Every time a girl tried to get serious I would run in the other direction. I had to be okay. I had no choice, I and Justice are nothing and that won't ever change. We might be friends after this but that is it.

"I will be okay. I have my feelings in check." Lex pulled me into a hug and I let out a sigh of relief. I knew that I was never alone because of her but she was also engaged she was going to get married in a couple of months and I was her maid of honor. She has been with her boyfriend for about two years and they really wanted to get married.

We both went on to work our asses of due to having a hell of a rush-hour that hit us for three hours. When three in the morning came Lex was picked up by her boyfriend. She offered me a ride but I declined it, I really wanted to walk and have a couple of minutes of silence before I went home to do some laundry that the boys needed for this morning.

"Need a ride?" I looked up to see Justice.

"What are you doing here?"

"Wanted to make sure my baby-mama made it home safely." Her words made me smile for some reason. I gave in and got in her car. We made it back to my place a lot quicker. I invited Justice to come in and she did. "Are you going to bed?"

"Nope. The boys need some laundry done. I have to get that in the drier before I go to bed." Justice stayed with me while I washed and we had a small conversation, nothing big. Just about our day and she mentioned something about her business bring out some new products and funding a gala for foster youth. It made me really proud to see that she was doing great things with her life.

Around four-fifteen in the morning I put the close in to dry. "You can stay the night if you want?" Justice agreed and we headed to my room. Harvey was in my bed. I gently shook him and like every other night we did this he was half asleep as he made his way to his and Austin's room.

We both laid on the bed but before I could shut my eyes to sleep I heard a cry from Cayden. I groaned as I got up and picked him up. I place him between me and Justice. Cayden snuggled closer to me and finally went back to sleep. I know that we might be having small talk, I pretended to go to sleep. I was exhausted and I had to be up in two hours to cook breakfast for the boys and make sure their day went great.

Sooner than I would have liked my alarm went off. I quickly moved Cayden towards Justice knowing that they wouldn't be up for a while. Harvey didn't wake up until seven in the morning and usually by that time I already had pancakes or at least eggs ready.

As I cooked I kept in mind that I was cooking for an extra body, I was cooking for Justice as well. I knew that today Harvey had a huge math test so I made his favorite, french toast, with sausage and eggs.

Like always I was right. Harvey was the first one to be up. I placed a plate in front of him as I continued working on the rest of the food. As I cooked he asked for help on his homework and I looked down at the paper and sighed. It was math and I and math were not the best of friends.

"Okay, let's see," I told him as I read the question that made no sense to me.

"Need help?" I looked over to see Justice holding Cayden in her arms.

"It's math." I said, "So yes all yours. I will take this one." I took Cayden from her and she went to help Harvey who gave me a concerned glance. I assure him it was okay and he listened to Justice who explained how the problem worked.

When Austin was up he asked me about his meeting. Which I had forgotten about I thought it was next week. I called Lex who was able to switch shifts with me so I could go to the meeting that just meant I would be doing the graveyard shift. Which I did not mind.

"I will be there baby." I guaranteed my little brother. "I will show up at the parent-teacher conference and if the teacher gives me a good report about you. We will have dinner at Reyes okay?"

Austin jumped with joy. Eating at Reyes was cheaper considering I worked there. He deserved a treat for working so hard considering the couple of months he had had. I am proud of both of them for pushing forward despite the fact that our parents died. They would be proud. I know I am proud of them.

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