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Story Title - Glasses


As the door opened slowly, I tossed my phone down and pretended to sleep. I really didn't wanna get up.

"C'mon y/n!" My boyfriend shouted and he shoved me into the floor. "Ow! Luca!" I groaned. I could hear him laugh from my bed. I rolled onto my back and he reached his hand down to pull my up; instead I pulled him down.

I wrapped my arm around his wrist and pulled him down. I didn't even realize he fell on top of me until I stopped laughing. My laughing calmed to a giggle and I opened my eyes to be met with Luca's gorgeous blue one. "You look so cute when you laugh." He whispered putting his hand on my cheek, his other hand beside my head holding him up. I blush and look away from him. He tilted my head to I was facing him and leaned down and kissed me.

He kissed from my mouth and left a trail to my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and bring him in for another kiss. We pulled away and I sat up, him doing the same. "So why are you here?" I crossed my legs pulling his sweatshirt off and putting it on myself.

"And you look good in my hoodie," and small smirk playing on his lips. "I love you." He reaches for my hands and laces them together. "You never answered my question." I pointed out.

"You have an appointment, for your glasses. Remember?"

I rolled my eyes. "But I wanna cuddle and sleep! And eat!" I rambled crawling into Lucas lap and resting my head in his neck. "We can after your appointment." I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He carefully stands up, trying not to drop me. "Hey Luca?" I call, my voice muffled because of my head being in Lucas shoulder. "Yeah babe?" My heart pounded and my stomach filled with butterflies. "Would you mind picking out my clothes for me?" I could feel him nod.

He tossed me into my bed and smirked and I yelped. "Luca!"


"Stop shoving and throwing me around my room!" I giggle rolling into a blanket burrito. He walked over to my closet and brought out some random things. "How come you have more of my clothes then I do? And their mine!" He cried as I scrolled through my Instagram feed, liking some edits of me and Luca or just one of us. "What?"

"Why do you have more of my clothes than I do?"

I just shrug. "You have comfy clothes."

He tossed me a shirt and some leggings. He started to walk out the door so I could change but I called him back in. "Luca wait! Take some of your clothes back home."

"Yay! I can go shopping!" I cheered pulling out his Tun of clothes I stole from him. "How did you even get all these anyways?" He questioned still pulling out random things he wants. "Sometimes your not home and I steal your stuff. And other times, when we hang out, when you go to the bathroom; I take your stuff."

He stopped pulling things out and walked out the door. "Hurry up and get ready, you gotta leave."

-----Time Skip-----

I sighed as I got into the car. My glasses had been in the case since I got them. I tried them on and then took them off immediately. I didn't look good. My mom started the car and we drove back home. Thankfully Luca stayed back to watch my siblings (if you have any, if not he just stayed at your house).

--Another Time Skip--

I rushed into the house, making sure I grabbed my phone and ran to my room.
Luca was in my room filming a tiktok when I came in. "Hey babe!" He cheered pulling me into his lap so I could be a part of the tiktok.

He kissed my cheek and mouthed the words and I did to. I copied him and kissed his cheek. I giggled when he blushed. After we finished filming he tossed his phone to the side and I rolled off his lap. We lied down next to each other, facing each other. "So, where are your glasses?" I sighed. "I don't look good with them on."

"Sure you do! You look good in everything," he paused before smirking. "And nothing." He whispered slyly. "Luca!" I scolded hitting his chest playfully. "What?" His hands started drawing on my side. "Okay but for real, where are they." I pulled out the little case for them from my mini backpack. "Here," I waved them around his face and he grabbed them. "Well? What are you waiting for put them on!"

"But I don't want to! I've already told you, I. Look. Terrible." I stated snapping the lid closed. He opened it once again. "You put these glasses on or so help me."

"Fine." I snapped sitting up. I shoved the glasses on and crossed my arms, glaring at Luca in the process. "Well,"

I sighed taking them off again. "Hey you didn't let me finish." I pushed the glasses up my nose. "What I was going to say was that you look gorgeous, I just wish you weren't glaring at me."

I started to giggle. "Sorry baby." He blushed and swipes some hair behind my ear. He pulled me into a sweet kiss and we both smiled into it.

"Hey y/n?" Luca asks after we pulled away from the kiss. "Yeah babe?"

"You look amazing and gorgeous. Beautiful and pretty. Hot and angelic. Basically, your just perfect. Your perfect in my eyes. I don't know why you never see yourself the way I see you but you are absolutely gorgeous." He rambled out and I smiled. "Thank you Luca."

"Hey it's alright, everyone needs a bit of reassurance every once and a while." I pulled him into a hug. I sat up so I was sitting on him while he was lying down. "I love you," we both said in unison. "I love you to." We said together once again.

Words - 1037

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