
9K 82 26

Anthony Reeves

I was all cuddled up into my best friend Chase Hudson. We had been watching YouTube videos the whole day. And laughed as (r/y) said something funny. (R/y = random YouTuber)

Some of the boys and I (Chase H, Anthony, Jaden, Payton) had hung out yesterday and they spent the night. Payton, Anthony and Jaden were sitting on the opposite side of the room whispering to each other. I didn't know what it was about but that's alright, it was most likely boy problems. I snuggle into Chase a bit more and wrap my arm around his waist.

I didn't like Chase like in a love sort of way, he was my best friend and always would be. The person I actually like was Anthony. I looked over at him but he was already looking at me. His eyes were a little sad but he smiled nonetheless 'you okay buba' I mouth and he just nods.

Chase, since he was my best friend, already knew about my huge crush on Anthony. "Hey y/n?" Payton wondered aloud. "Yeah?"

"Are you and Chase dating?" That was actually pretty weird. Sure it was common for people to ask you if you were dating one of the boys, but one of the boys asking if you were dating one of the boys.. It was a little weird. "Uh.. No, now we're just friends."

You didn't just cuddle with Chase, you've Don't it with all the boys. One time you even got to cuddle with Anthony when he was sick. It was wonderful.

"We're just friends.." Anthony mocks. "Bullshit." He growls. Suddenly, he stands up and walks out the room. "Anthony!" You call after him but he ignored you.

"I think you should go after him y/n. He wants to talk to you." Jaden speaks up grabbing your arm and pulling you away from Chase. "W-well it sure doesn't look like it."

"Trust me." Jaden pushes you towards the way Anthony went. "Uhm.. okay."

You could hear the whispers of the boys from behind you and some giggles, you decide not to go back. "Bubby!" You call walking down the hallway. You could hear quiet sobs from the bathroom. "Oh ant, can I come in?" You had absolutely no idea why Anthony was acting the way he was. Your heart was beating really fast as you were a little scared of Anthony because of his small outburst but opened the door after there was no reply.

You sat on your knees in front of Anthony. "Talk to me. What's happening? Are you okay?"

You wipe his tears away but some more fall out and your heart breaks. You stare into his blue eyes and push away some of his hair. "I-I..." he stutters our. "It's alright Ant, take your time."

He laces his hands with yours and presses a kiss to your hands. "I.. Igotalittejelouswhenyouwerecuddlingwithchase." He rambled, you couldn't really understand what he said so you asked for him to repeat himself. "I really don't want to." You moved so that you were sitting in his lap. "You can talk to me, I hope you know that."

"I.. um.."

It seemed as I He mustered all his courage and started to talk to you. Like actually talk to you. "I got a little jealous when you and Chase were cuddling. Because I like you.. a lot and well I wanted to be Chase.."

"Anthony," you start but he cuts in. "I know you and Chase are dating, I'm not dumb."

"No, no Chase and I are just friends and we'll be friends forever. I like you to. Maybe even love you." This time you were that one that was talking a little to fast. He chuckles. "I love you to."

"Hey y/n?" His voice calls and you look up into his bright blue eyes that were no longer sad. They were happy and bright. "Can I kiss you?"

You didn't say anything you just nodded. He grabbed your face gently and pushed your lips on his. It was short and sweet but still enjoyable. After you two pulled apart your rested your foreheads against each other.

"Y/n?" Anthony's questioning voice mourners in your ear. "Yeah?" You breathe out. "Do you maybe want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah Anthony, I would love to be your girlfriend." He smirked. "Good," he brought you in for another kiss but this time if was rougher and more needy than your first kiss. "I love you y/n." He mumbled into the kiss. "I love you to," you both stood up, still kissing. After a moment you broke apart because you hear shuffles from the other side of the door. You were both confused, you headed towards the door and opened it. Upon the opening of the door, three boys tumbled onto the floor on top of each other. You and Anthony laughed as the boys held their injuries and groaned. "Why? Why'd you do that?" Payton groaned once again. "Well I mean you guys were spying." Anthony and I pulled the boys to their feet and it was silent for a few moments. "Well are you guys dating or?" I nod.

It was a little quiet as we just kinda stood there not really knowing what to say. "I think that's our cue to leave." Chase then sends me a wink and pushes the boys out.

I hear the door slam, I was hoping they didn't think we were going to do something dirty.

"Do you gotta go home or do you maybe want to cuddle and watch some movies."I questioned. Anthony's arms wrapped around me and pulled me into him. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "Yeah,"

I pulled away and grabbed his hand leading us down to my bedroom.

Words: 977

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