"Calm down, angel"

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<At Aziraphale's>

-"Shh, calm down Aziraphale, it's fine. I will just call 911 and tell about missing man... My dear Crowley... But it's strange that I didn't go missing too. It's really strange. I have to start an investigation immediately ! What if he's already dead? I don't want to believe in this! I have to hope for the best... I just have to think clear and don't let the rage control me! Well, let's start..." - Aziraphale deeply sighed and put his hand on the phone and then suddenly pulled it away - "No! It's my business! We're not humans after all. We have different laws, rules, behavior and, of course, powers. Demons usually have strong powers. Like, hallucinations or spread the fire around. I believe Crowley is alright down there. I guess they aren't torturing him with Holy Water or something yet. But I've got no time to horse around. I have to put myself together and keep going! First of all, I'll start with old books and maybe I'll find something helpful..." - he said and stood up from the old and his favorite chair. It was the time for Aziraphale to visit his large library. He sighed again and opened the door.
As soon ad he walked in, his face changed into a pathetic look. His library was too large to find something in a hurry. But is it hard for an angel-librarian? Not at all. Every shelf has its own topic - fantasy, science fiction, history and so on. Aziraphale likes when everything is on its place, so he absolutely knew where he can find books about demons, spells, magic recipes and other religious things. It's easy for him. He walked around the library looking for books about Hell and Heaven, magic spells and police investigations. After thirty minutes spent in library the books he needed were just on a table.
-"Phew," - sighed Aziraphale - "Well, I guess that will be enough for now" - he sat down on a chair he found somewhere in the depths of the library - "So let's see..." - he opened the first book - "Magic Spells" - "Aha! Holy Water spell! I need to find some salt and a wooden crucifix or cross..." - he was concentrated on this book. After some time he put it away - "Okay, next one... That will be easy" - he opened the second book - "The Difference between Hell & Heaven" - "Oh yes, that's what I need" - he muttered and continued reading - "Aha, angels can't stand fire and demons are afraid of holy water. I already know that! Anything else? No... Well, guess I didn't get any other books about Hell. Oops, I need to order some more next time." - he put the book away and went out the library.
He was making himself some coffee to cheer up, when the phone rang...

<At Crowley's>

It was the time for the sun to rise. Or does the sun rise in Hell? Actually, the Hell is in the depths of the universe so sun probably doesn't shine down there.
Crowley woke up because of loud footsteps down the hallway. It was Beelzebub and his slaves. Then Crowley remembered what did the Devil say to him - Beelzebub will give him a phone to say goodbye to Aziraphale... That's the worst thing that could ever happen to him.
"I need to tell angel I'm down here and ask for help! Like... A secret code! Yeah! I'm a genius!" - thought the demon.
The footsteps grew louder and the Deadly Sin finally was right next to Crowley's cage. The one of the slaves was holding an old phone. A very old one. The slave gave the phone to Beelzebub and bowed, slowly backing away. Devil nodded and turned back to Crowley. -"This is the time for you to choose." - he said. Crowley carefully took the phone from Beelzebub's hands. He gulped and typed Aziraphale's number on the phone and then thought - "I need to say something like 'help me I'm in Hell' or even shorter like 'Help, Hell'. He's smart enough to understand!" - and finally dialed.
Angel picked up the phone and said - "Who is it?" - "It's me, Antony J. Crowley!" - "Crowley! Crowley! Are you fine? Where are you?! Why didn't you come! Tell me! I'm worried!" - Aziraphale cried - "Shh, calm down angel... I'm fine. I have to obey Beelzebub. Sorry angel. I've made up my mind. Live your life. Pour yourself some coffee and forget about me. I will work for Hell. Goodbye. Thank you for everything..." - and he hung up. Beelzebub clapped his hands - "So you made a right choice. I think it's too early to make you work. You have to obey me. Become a slave without its own opinion. Starting tomorrow" - one of the slaves took the phone from Crowley's hands and they all left. Crowley chuckled. Everything that heard Aziraphale was - "Calm down Angel. H.e.l.p. me. Hell". Covering the microphone with his hand - just a demon-genius.
Crowley backed away as soon as Beelzebub went away. - "Rescue me!" - he thought and hugged his knees trying to hold the fear and tears away.

<At Aziraphale's>
-"Crowley! Crawley! Answer me!" - yelled Ariraphale in the phone trying to get Crowley to answer him -"Oh God! I just have to save him!" - he thought and thew the phone away.
He ran down the stairs looking around for cross and salt. It's time for Crowley's rescue!
Just a bit, and Crowley will sleep wrapped in his arms!
-"Just not to go insane..."  - thought Aziraphale while speaking Holy Water Spell.
As soon as the everything was done, Aziraphale took a sharp and pretty dagger and hurried to dress up more demon-like.
What will suit him? He explored his closet. A black old coat and some clothes in old street-style. "Do I look weird?" - asked himself Aziraphale. He looked into the mirror - "Well, whatever... Who will even notice? Right. No one. Anything else?" - he looked around one more time. "Alright. Let's go!" - he said and hurried out of his bookshop.
Now he needs just to find a way to get into the Hell.

Rescue me (Aziraphale x Crowley) Good OmensWhere stories live. Discover now