Where are you?

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< At Aziraphale's>
-"God damn it, Crowley! Where are you?! You're making me worried again!" - thought angel rushing out of his bookshop in the middle of the night, as the demon didn't show up - "Crowley! Crowley! Crowley" - Aziraphale was running up and down the street shouting out demon's name. Many people started to wake up from angel's screams and tell Aziraphale to shut up. Aziraphale just dissapeared from their sight as some strong men went out to "beat his ass up". He wandered around and didn't find any signs of Crowley. He sadly walked back home. His eyes were full of tears. The cold wind was freezing and Ariraphale got kind of cold and when he finally reached his warm room he fell on a bed crying. He felt that he's useless, powerless...

Actually, angels don't have powers. Crowley, for example can turn into a big long sneak (In the Garden Of Eden).

-"It... can't be! *sob* Crowley..! Can't be..! Well, maybe he's somewhere here, and playing hide-and-seek with me... r-right..? But he never does it... What if he just... *sob* dissapeared..? *sob* Or something even worse! Is there a way for me to discover his location? *sob* Maybe, I should search up for it today... Crowley... *sob*" - thought angel while queitly whimpering. As soon as all his tears ran out, he fell into an anxious sleep.

<At Crowley's>

Crowley was lying on a cold dirty floor in the Hell, while angel was searching for him on Earth. Actually, the floors are dirty and cold everywhere in Hell, despite the myth that the temperature there is over 445°C. The demon is still unconscious and having a nightmare - Beelzebub caught his dear Aziraphale and about to torture him! And he's tied up and unable to move. As soon as the flaming knife cut angel's chest and the silent scream went out his mouth and the blood started dripping down from that wound - Crowley woke up.
He looked around, backed away, closed his eyes and thought - "Oh holy fuck! That all was a bad dream... He froze and looked around one more time. -"Is... is.. it... Hell?" - he thought. He tried to stand up to look out the cage he was locked in. The chains on his ankles and wrists clanked. -"Ouch!" - cried out Crowley and fell down the floor. He hit his back and inhaled through teeth. -"What the fuck?!" - said Crowley carefully touching his hurt hand -"This is not what how I wanted to end my eternal life!" - he shouted out loud.
After some time, when Crowley's rage was at its limit, he heard footsteps. The footsteps were approaching his cage. Crowley clenched his fists and teeth. He was about to kill everyone. When the person, who've walking towards him, stopped, the noise around stopped and all prisoners closed their months shut. That was Beelzebub. The scary devil.
It came closer to Crowley and started - "Ow, our little lovable demon has loved an angel itself. You know what price you have to pay for loving an innocent angel? Or, almost fallen angel? Like you! This is unforgivable Crowley! Everything you did is unforgivable! By the Hell's rules... You have to be tortured or... Die. We just have to end of your worthless life!" - Crowley's eyes were full of fear and anger, Beelzebub continued - "Aw, little demon is scared. What a pity. I won't give you a chance. And if you'd like to start a fight - you won't stand a chance! You have a choice now - I give you a phone. You may call your dear angel and say your goodbyes and become a worthless and filthy slave, or..." - Crowley was about to explode - " You may choose death. Slow, painful death. That will be the end of my and Gabriel's suffering. Goodbye to the world. I give you one night to think..." - Beelzebub laughed - "Choose wisely, Antony" - and the devil took a few steps back with insane laughter - "Almost forgot! I'm coming for your little angel Crawley!" - he shouted, and headed to the exit.
Demon with his all power that was left suddenly stood up and pulled the chains and they broke. He was raging. It seemed like nothing could stop him! His yellow snake eyes were just glowing with anger. - "Do not you dare touch my angel!" - Crowley yelled at Beelzebub through the cage grid. As soon as the demon was about to break free from the cage, Beelzebub rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. Crowley fell down. He got knocked out. Lost his consciousness. Again. Beelzebub laughed and left.
After some time demon was awake. He was unconscious for a short time.
Crowley was down. He gulped and smiled looking at the dirty ceiling. - "This, this can't be reality, right? I'm just... having a nightmare. I'm lying in Aziraphale's bed, he's close to me... Soon he'll notice that there's something wrong with my dreams and wake me up! Soon... Soon... Just a bit..." - he closed his eyes and backed on a wall, clenched his fists and teeth. The tears were slowly dripping down on the floor. He never felt this down before. He was silently crying, not paying any attention on facts that demons are unable to feel and therefore, unable to cry.
He believed, that everything will be fine. "Everything will be alright. Someday..." - then Crowley fell asleep.

Rescue me (Aziraphale x Crowley) Good OmensWhere stories live. Discover now