How Dare You!

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<At Crowley's>

Crowley completely accepted the feeling of loneliness and helplessness. As long as at his home he had many cactuses and some sins to commit, he has never thought he would feel this lonely. Aziraphale was around all the way through centuries! They've seen the Wars, death and despair, people's suffering together... so that's what you feel when you sit alone in a dark cold room. How do you feel? Helpless? Pathetic? Alone in the whole world? Many dark thoughts slowly crawl inside your head making you do things you've never thought about. Hurting or killing? Who knows what will come inside your mind next second? Perhaps, that why people avoid silent ones. They can keep dark past and feelings deep inside their hearts and one day... You know what happens next...
Crowley thinks the same way. He absolutely knows what happen to people when they are alone for too long. But demons aren't really people are they? He hugged his knees tighter. "Will he save me or I have to break free from here by myself?" - thought Crowley. He shivered. The thought about fighting with Beelzebub and his army made him shiver again. He was afraid of being poured Holy Water on. -"Probably he just needs more time. Does he? Oh, I just wish he didn't forget about me..." - he backed on a wall and closed his eyes dreaming about happy end.
His thoughts were disturbed by some guy from security. Yeah, a strong man from security guard. A loud creak of the cage door opening made Crowley feel like a puppy. -"He wants to see you. Right now! Move, you traitor!" - Crowley was harshly pulled up by another strong guy and then got handcuffed. "How do they get all this stuff?" - he asked himself.
They all went out the jail and walked down the hall - "They probably headed for Beelzebub's office or something" - thought Crowley. But he was wrong. It was... The interrogation room! "Well, I didn't expect that... I thought we made a deal!" - he angrily whispered. "What a jerk!" - Crowley mumbled. The security guard slapped him and tied to a table. Crowley hissed at him, showing him his long snake tongue. His sunglasses were broken, so the yellow eyes were frightening enough. The security hurried to get out, when they saw sharp teeth. Crowley lowered his head, feeling quilty for Aziraphale. "I swear my love! I will not hurt anyone as long as you don't want me to. I swear..." - he whispered - "Ow, ow, ow. What a pity to see you talking about your angel... Pathetic. Worthless demon..." - Beelzebub entered the room -"Don't you dare talk about my angel you bitch!" - Crowley showed up his rage trying to break free from the handcuffs. But after loosing consciousness, his strength left him... He was weak. But didn't show it. He's smarter than Beelzebub. Way smarter...  So what would win in this situatuon? Knowledge or power? Hard to guess. Crowley's eyes were wide-open, so Beelzebub couldn't see that his eyes are looking for something useful in the room. But Beelzebub noticed his suspicious behavior and cupped his chin thinking. Then he roughly grabbed Crowley by his shirt's collar and said - "Talk or Die." - the demon gulped looking deep into Devil's eyes, showings him the rage no one has even seen in centuries! He nodded and Beelzebub sat down on the opposite side. He put elbows down on the table and grinned, his head down - "That's good. Like a little puppy. Or should I say, a ragdoll? A puppet of a angel-nerd huh." - Crowley pulled this hands up so the handcuffs clutched. Beelzebub hit Crowley's shoulder really hard. The demon only smiled at him. "Don't talk about Angel! Forget about him! We broke up! Okay? Just ask but leave Aziraphale alone! Please! Your Highness! Leave the innocent angel alone" - he lowered his head in the sign of obeying after Beelzebub slapped him again. "Not so strong and fearless are we now huh? What a pathetic creature. Listen here you little shit - one mistake and you are dead! I let you go that time, but you've already done much! I'm sick of it! For first, I thought it's too kind of you to save the world. Okay, but I've been aware of you two!" - Beelzebub stood up from his chair and walked past demon and stopped right behind his back - "I though you are friends or something but it grew into something bigger! Shame on you Crawley!" - he put his dirty hands (no, paws!) on Crowley's shoulders, like all villains do in movies, leaning closer to his face - "Dating an innocent angel... Pfft, you are fallen Crawley! You can't touch angels until the God himself lets you!" - Crowley clenched his teeth and whispered - "Do. Not. Call. Me. Crawley!" - he got slapped again - "I do whatever I want!" - yelled at him the Deadly Sin, then he continued - "So will you tell me your wills? Should I erase your memory while it's not late for us yet? The God, or, maybe his replacer in Heaven - Gabriel should kill Aziraphale? Oh, heh, angels don't kill do they? What about his bookshop burning again? Oh, what a pity will it be if he burns to death! Ahaha! I'll kill him myself and will let you see this." - Beelzebub raised his hands pretending to be poor Aziraphale getting killed - "Oh no! Oh God help me!" - he put his hand on his forehead acting tragically. - "How dare you Crawley abandon me! Save me! Ahahah!" - Beelzebub laughed.
Crowley wasn't moving. He was scared. He was scared for his angel to die. He remembered the first dream he had here... That dream, where his dear angel died... He was stabbed by the flaming sword...
Beelzebub was saying something. Yelling. Slapping Crowley. But he kept his mouth shut. It's been a long time, when the Devil was tired of being not paid any attention, so left the room. - "I promise, angel, we'll make it through. No matter what!". Deadly Sin's voice was repeating the same phrases again and again - "... Dating an innocent angel! ... How dare you! ... You are shameless! ... Pathetic creature... I'll kill him myself! ..."
The demon couldn't stand that, when the security guard came up to check on him, he was laying his head on the table, unconscious. Probably the mental and physical damage caused this.
Poor Crowley. All alone and scared with no hope left.

<At Aziraphale's>
"We'll make it, I promise!" - said Aziraphale running towards the forest...

Rescue me (Aziraphale x Crowley) Good OmensWhere stories live. Discover now