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<At Aziraphale's>

-"How long has it been already?" - thought Aziraphale, sitting on a cold rock deep in the forest. "Two days? I feel like it's been much longer... Poor Crowley, I hope he's alright" - he looked into his notebook - "Okay, let's see. I have to say these words and snap my fingers? Should it work only for demons? Well, I have to try everything I can!" - Aziraphale put away the papers and closed his eyes. He went silent for some time and then started to whisper.
He was whispering the Spell with his eyes closed. It always helped him concentrate. The cold wind was freezing, but Aziraphale didn't mind it at all. He was focused on Crowley's rescue.
As soon as his lips stopped, angel clenched his fists, hoping for this Spell to work. He felt a wave of strange power and the bright light speading around was blinding. He opened his eyes, covering them from the light. - "Ah, it hurts!" - he muttered.
When the bright light disappeared, angel got up from his knees and looked around. "What is this place? This isn't the forest-" - he thought and then realized, when he touched the floor. - "So it's Hell! It worked! Now I should find Crowley and get back as soon as possible!" - thought Aziraphale and hid behind the wall. -"And what's my plan? First mission: sneak up to Beelzebub's office and find Crowley's cage number in files." - he shivered - "That's the hardest part." Angel gulped and looked around, searching for something that could help. He thought if the ventilation here is huge enough for him to hide in there. -" No doors to be seen. Ah! What am I supposed to do now!" - he thought, clenching his fists and panicking.
Aziraphale deeply breathed and walked down the hall, watching out for security. Fortunately, he found a map of this floor hanging on a wall. He looked around and came closer to the map. - "So... That's where I stand, and... somewhere here " - he tapped on a map - "is Beelzebub's office." - he took a step back and turned to the right, walking down the halls, looking for the right door.
It has been a short time, when angel finally found Beelzebub's office.
He looked around the hall, and then carefully put his ear on the door to listen. Silence. It seemed like no demons were around. He deeply breathed - "Alright, I'm coming in!" - he whispered to himself and slowly pushed the door. He struggled to push, it creaked and then finally opened.
Beelzebub's office was a big room with many bookshelves and papers everywhere. His room was a big mess. - "The Leader or all demons and working in such a room? So that's why Hell is dirty. I'm not even surprised." - he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. - "Alright, where does Beelzebub keep the documents? Somewhere private? Something like secret drawer? Probably. Let's see" - he walked towards the table. -"I should look at papers there first, I guess I will find some clues." He looked onto the papers and the first thing he saw was the document about Crowley. It said "KILL" with big red writing on the paper.
Aziraphale froze in paralyzing fear.
-"This... This can't be... Is this just a nightmare? I hope so... Please...  I have to save him or he will die! No! Crowley!" - his eyes were filled with tears. He started to search for more information in papers and found a map of all nine floors - "Oh, jail is on 1st floor." - he thought in surprise.
-"Aha! Here it is!" - Aziraphale whispered looking at paper with numbers and names - "Let's see... Cell number 15? Got it! Now, hurry!" - he said to himself and hurried out of office.
Angel ran to the stairs and looked the floor number - "What?! 9th floor?! Oh... Alright..." - he sighed and walked down the stairs. - "Just run! Just run! Just for Crowley!"
All his way down the stairs, he didn't meet any of security guards, or even some regular demons. - "This is... strange" - he thought.
Finally, he reached 1st floor. - "Do I have a knife or something?" - he looked through his pockets - "Ah, nothing! But I still need a weapon. I won't kill, not hurt them if they will try to hurt or kill me!". Then angel looked around and noticed a bat near the door into 2nd floor. - "Um... bat? I'm surprised it's here. But this is good I've found a weapon! Now let's go!"  - he took a bat and looked down the stairs. He noticed one armored demon. - "Only one? Heh, okay."
When the guard turned in the opposite direction, Aziraphale jumped from nowhere and hit the demon with the bat. The demon fell down onto angel's arms. He put the guard on the floor carefully, without any noise. He nodded to himself and opened the door inside. There was another guard, sitting at the table with papers. Angel hit that demon's head with the bat. He caught the demon and left him lying on the chair.
- "Sorry poor demons, but I have to save Crowley!" - thought angel. He looked onto the locker with keys. - "Cell 15 right?" - Aziraphale asked himself. He took the key from locker and walked into the corridor with cells.

<At Crowley's>

-"Angel, angel, angel, angel, angel, angel..." -  Crowley wasn't able to stop quietly calling Aziraphale. He was lying in the darkest corner, hiding his head in his arms - "What if... angel... won't come... to my rescue..?" - his eyes filled up with tears just in this second.
- "Crowley! Crowley wake up!" - demon heard a quiet whisper - "Wake up! We have to get out now!". Crowley got up on his knees and turned around. - "Angel..?" - he whispered - "Yes, yes, dear it's me! Now get up and let's hurry!" - Aziraphale looked around and opened Crowley's cage with the key he took earlier. Angel walked into the cell and helped demon stand up.
- "Are you fine?" - he asked - "Can't say so..." - answered Crowley, barely able to stand - "Don't worry! I'll take us back to home!" - angel kissed demon's forehead. With one free hand he closed the cage door with the key and took few steps back, then whispered to demon - "Close you eyes, dear." - Crowley hugged angel even tighter and closed his eyes. Angel started to whisper the Spell he used to get into Hell. But the Spell was changed. So they could get back in Real World. Plus, no one would be able to find them ever!
-"What do you think you're doing?!" - they heard Beelzebub's voice. Crowley chuckled and when the Leader with security guard reached 15th cell, angel and demon already dissapeared.

Rescue me (Aziraphale x Crowley) Good OmensWhere stories live. Discover now