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~Sana POV~

"That's it, Sana!! Punch harder!! The bag's moving!!" Yoongi oppa exclaimed. I punched the bag one last time and exhaled.
Yoongi oppa clapped slowly. "You did great, Sana."
I smiled tiredly. "Thanks, oppa."


"Guys!! Dinner time!!!" Jin oppa shouted.
"Come on, Minatozaki Sana. Let's eat up." Yoongi oppa said and smiled at me.


"Wah!! Jin oppa, you cooked all of this?!!" I said. There were so many foods, it was making my mouth water.
Jin oppa chuckled and nodded. "I do this every Friday."
"Another reason why I love Fridays." Jungkook said while reaching out for a piece of chicken but Jin oppa slapped his hand away.

"Sit down everybody!!" Jin oppa said.
"Let's eat!!" Namjoon oppa said. We immediately started grabbing food.

"Oh my god!! This is delicious!!" Mina said as she chewed the food.
"I agree!! Jin oppa, you're a great cook!!" I said.
"Thanks Sana!!"


"Wah!! I'm stuffed!!" I said and laid back on the chair. "That was the best!!"
"Welll, since none of us have plans to go home." Jihyo started. "Let's sleep here."
"Yeah!!" We cheered.

~Taehyung POV~

"Goodnight girls!!" Jimin hyung said as we watched the girls go upstairs. As soon as we heard the door close, all eyes were on me.
"Um... hi there..."

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