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~Sana POV~

"It's about Mark hyung." Taehyung said.
Mark oppa?
"What about him?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung glanced at me before answering,
"I think Mark hyung might also be the bad guy."

~Mark POV~

"Why are you here, Jackson Wang?" I asked him coldly.
"The boss sent me to help you," He answered. "He said that you're having a hard time guarding Ms. Minato-"
"I'll stop you right there, Wang." I said, maintaining a cold tone. "I don't need help. So, will you do me a favor and get the fuck out of-"

"He won't be leaving anytime soon, handsome."

~Taehyung POV~

"No...... no, no, no, no, no!!!" Sana said. "Mark oppa would not-"
"Listen to me first, Sana." I said. "I'll explain."
"No!! Mark oppa would never-"

"Calm down, Sana." Jeongyeon rubbed her shoulders in an effort to calm her down.

"Speak up, Tae."
I took a deep breath and told them everything how I find Mark hyung's actions suspicious, what I heard in the hospital and Mark hyung's actions when I asked him about it.
They stared at me when I finished.

"I can't believe him." Momo said.
"He wouldn't do that," Sana mumbled. "He wouldn't."
"Sana," Namjoon hyung said gently. "He must have a reason. Everyone has their reasons."

"No!!!" Sana shouted and stood up. "Mark oppa would never do that!!!"
"No!!!" Sana shouted and walked out.
I sighed and stood up. "I'll follow her." I said and ran after her.

"Sana." I called. "Please calm down." I said. She ignored me and kept walking to the rooftop.

"Sana." I stopped short when I saw the people in the rooftop. 

"Mark hyung?!! Jackson?!!"

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