Chapter 4

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Y: what did you say

A: nothing

Y: mhmm

A: i didnt say anything

Y: tal perra ( such a bitch)

A: woah your hispanic

Y: no I just have parents who are hispanic *says sarcastically*

A: ro0d

Y: hey alex can you get me some hot cheetos from the store please

A: yeah sure bye guys ily soo much

he ends the live and leaves

you decide to pull a prank on him you get your phone and go on live on insta

Y: hey bbys im bored so i decided to prank alex got any ideas

S: speak spanish the whole time since he said he losing his spanish

S: ooh and flirt with him in spanish too

S: good idea

S: you should do it

Y: okayy so ill do it

you finally find a spot to put phone and go on your bed and pull out your other phone (rich tingz)

heres the phone:

then you go on insta and see this edit of alex :

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then you go on insta and see this edit of alex :

and you were drooling then you hear the door open and alex came upstairs

A: hey whatchu watching

Y: ninguno de tus negocios papi ( none of your business papi)

A: wdym? none of my  business

he snatches the phone from your hand and sees the video

A: so u were looking at him

Y: yeah Es guapo, ¿verdad? (yeah hes cute right)

he hops on the bed with you

A: i know i am

then he grabs your neck seductively and whispers in my ear

A: bbg you know youre turning me on right now

you then push  he push him off and say

Y: Sé que soy un encanto ( i know im a turn on)

some supporters knew what you were saying and said

S: did he call you a turn on

S: oooo

S:he called her a turn on

then alex says

A:ya que quieres hablar español, yo también lo soy ( since you wanna speak spanish i am too)

Y: tú tan bien ( you so fine)

A:  míame, ¿en serio? Mírate, tienes suerte de que no te bese (me are you serious look at you youre lucky im not kissing you)

you start blushing hard

S: oop

S: is y blushing right now

S: y is blushing

S: ahhh she blushing

carlosmena,diegomartir and 15,084 joined

C; hey guys

S: hey carlos

S: carlos here

D: hey im here too

S: hey dimples

S: my other stans are here ahh

alex sees you blushing and says

A: mami, ¿te estás sonrojando? (mami are you blushing)

Y: noo

you hide and cover your face

A: he ganado tu no hablar español nunca más (ha i win your not speaking spanish anymore)

Y: no you did not i- you bitch

S:ahh she lost

C,D: was alex just flirting with y

S: they soo cute

S: aww y lost

Alex sees your phone and grabs it and says:

A: soo this is why you were speaking spanish huh

Y:uhh whattt pshhh nooo

A: mhmm

he looks at live and says

A: guys what was she trying to do

S: she was flirting

S: flirting with you in spanish

S: it was supposed to be a prank

You then grab your phone from his hand and say

Y: i was so close to fully pranking your ass if you didnt trick me

A: so you were trying to flirt with me

A: but failed

S: did he really just say that oop

C: shits about to go down

S: ahhh

D: y finna beat his ass

Y: but you said i was turning you on just a few mins ago

S: so he did say it

C: alex ooo you got a crush

Y: turns out i suck at pranking but ill see yall later nye my bbys i love you

you end the live and sit by alex

Y: how does it feel

A: feels amazing knowing i made you blush

Y: shut tf up

A: i could do it again

Y: mhmm

A: oh you think i cant bbg

Y: i know you cant

A: mami you want to test that theory

tbc..... i feel like i should do a dirty chapter

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