Chapter 18

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Yn: I thought you guys were ignoring me
I picked up my phone and wiped off my face
Di: um okay yn meet Priscilla. Priscilla meet yn
We both looked at each other and shook each others hands
She was smiling while I was forcing a whole smile
Desi: so yn-
Yn: you're ignoring me right? So I don't think that should change just bc Alex's g-
I stopped myself
Then I walked passed them and went towards the kitchen
What hurt me a lot was the fact that they just brushed it off and went back to watching TV. It'll be better if I just left
So that's what I did I picked out hot Cheetos and went upstairs
Then I grabbed some slides and left the house
Not sure what to do where to go but all I knew was that I couldn't and shouldn't have ever been friends with them

Tbc.. hi sorry it's short but I'm back I'm gonna be wayy more active on this so be ready

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