Chapter 22

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I'm sitting in between desi and dev. The class I was in was history. I actually really like this class. I sat there and listened to the teachers lecture about the Romeo and Juliet. I know I'm in history class so why is he talking about this. I really don't know but I didn't care. I was genuinely interested in what he was saying.
-1hr later-
The bell ring class was over and I had 2 free periods during this time so I just roamed them halls. Then I saw the library door open so I just walked in. I look to my right and see the Liberian I wave to her and sit in a chair and sat there for a bit. Then I see Alex walk past the door. He asks me to come over so I walked out.
We started walking the halls it was pretty quiet.
A- y/n I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Sorry?! I've never heard that before
I look at him and he was pretty sad
He went on and said
A- yea we weren't dating but I had no right to treat you the way I did. We had genuine feeling for each other and I screenshot it up.
I look at him and I realize all of this isn't really all of his fault I did shit too
Y/n- yea you were wrong but I was wrong too I did do some dramatic and petty shit for literally no reason. We just lacked trust and communication. We just kept fighting and didn't really make up. It all just kept pilling up.
He nodded his head in agreement
-20 mins later-
After we were done talking we agreed that it's be best if we all just parted ways. We still loved each other but the decisions we made were pretty fucked up. He seemed happy with Priscilla not gonna lie and I don't really have problem with her. We are still going to keep in touch just not like before.
-Time skip-
End of school
We all were home and I decided to talk to everyone.
Y/n- guys...
They all turned and looked at me
Y/n- I think we need to talk
They nodded their heads.
I sat on the couch where everyone was and we started talking
We said some shit and laughed but we did decided to part ways but not only just with me but with each other. Everyone one of us became Toxic we needed time to ourselves.
I eventually moved to my own apartment in L.A and all was well. The group reunited for graduation and had fun and we all parted ways. I started working for This fashion company and it's really fun. I don't really know what everyone else is doing tho.

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