extreme languageDISCLAIMER
im basing billie's character off of her real life persona, although it may be completely off. in no way to I mean any offense to her.
also, with my close friend's consent, im basing viviana's ticks on theirs.I press my lips into a thin line, trying to keep my neck still as I stand on a stool in front of a camera. I faked the tightest smile I could muster as the camera flashed and the man behind it shouted a soft 'next!'
as soon as i stepped off of the small stool and made my way behind the curtain of the school auditorium, my neck jerked repeatedly. soft curse words as well as random slurs left my lips uncontrollably as I growled to myself, running into the ladies restroom.
I locked myself in a stall and leaned against the door, shoving my hand through my curly hair as i slide down to sit on the dirty floor. multiple whispers of "motherfucker," and "fuckin' cunt," left my lips as I hear the door to the restroom open.
the stall beside mine is soon locked and i can see a pair of gym shorts drop, and the rattle of what sounded like chains hitting each other.
"fuckin cunt," left my lips a bit louder than intended and I tangle my fingers in my own hair, tugging at the roots harshly as my neck jerked.
"excuse me?" I hear from the stall beside me, a scoff leaving immediately following the slightly deeper voice. "I know you're not talking to me."
"s-sorry," I say with a slight stutter, my legs feeling as if bugs were crawling under my skin. "it's a d-disorder," the stuttering made me breathless and I sigh deeply after I'm finished speaking, closing my eyes.
the toilet flushes before I see thin silver colored hair slowly lower to the ground. the slight gap between the floor and the stalls gave me enough room to see a girl with piercing blue eyes staring back at me.
"you're crying," she observed quietly, sitting down completely. she leans forward slightly, her hands clasping onto each other as she looks at me through the small gap between the stalls. "why are you crying on a dirty ass bathroom floor?"
"its complicated," I say in a whisper, trying to fight the urge as i feel my neck jerk.
"dont stop it, love," she says softly, and through the small gap, I can see her shake her head. "you can hurt yourself if you try to stop it."
more tears fall from my eyes, my mascara no doubt staining my red cheeks. "I dont n-need your p-pity." once again, the stuttering made me breathless, my hand moving slightly as if to help the words come out.
the strange girl sighs deeply, pulling herself to her feet and leaving her stall. I hear the running water in the sink for a moment before the sound of paper towels being torn from the roll.
seconds later, I hear the voice once again, "can you come out for a second?"
"why- motherfucker," I pull my knees to my chest, all of my strength being used to kick the porcelain toilet in front of me. "s-sorry."
"just open the door; I need to see who I'm talking to." she says softly, her fingers tapping on the door slightly.
reluctantly, I stand from my position on the completely disgusting bathroom floor. I frantically wipe my cheeks and unlock the door, opening it slowly. I can feel the eyes on me as I take a step out of the stall, my black sneakers making a soft tap sound.
without permission, the girl walks up to me and pulls me into her arms, wrapping her thin arms around my neck in a tight hug. surprised, I slowly raise my hands and pat the small of her back, my neck jerking slightly.
as my neck jerks, my head knocks in to hers. my eyes widen and my heartrate picks up as her hand raises to the side of her head. "I'm s-sorry!" I say softly, my hands raising to cover my mouth. "motherfucker, I'm so sorry.."
"what's your name?" the girl asks softly, looking at the goose egg forming on her temple in the mirror.
"viviana," I say quietly, my hands fiddling with the hem of my flannel patterned dress, my neck jerking once again. "what's y-yours?"
"its billie." she says softly, her lip tugging upward just slightly. "goddamn it," she says softly, closing her eyes tightly. I hear her whisper something softly before exhaling slowly, her hands releasing the fists theyd formed. "do you want to sit with me at lunch?"
I hesitantly nod at her question, my eyebrows furrowing at the girl. she takes my hand into hers and gentle tugs me out of the restroom, walking with me to the cafeteria.

tick tock
Fanfictionin which two girls come together to overcome their own mental and physical health issues.