we successfully made it to the bathroom without my grandmother nor my parents seeing us. I turn the water on and press shuffle on my music playlist before looking over at billie.
"you can go first," I tell her, motioning to the shower.
"they're gonna suspect something if we take too long in here," she laughs softly, running her fingers through her silver hair. "if we both go at the same time, I swear I wont look."
I shrug at her suggestion, pushing my jeggings down my legs. "I dont care if you do," I admit, shoving my jeggings into the laundry basket behind the door. "but you're right - it saves water, it saves an electric bill, and it takes less time."
"damn, really?" the girl says, seemingly surprised at my words. "I didn't think youd actually go for it."
I shrug slightly, stepping out of my underwear and bra as my neck jerks slightly. "hurry up, we cant be in here too much longer." I say loud enough for billie to hear over the blasting music from my phone's speaker.
I step into the shower, leaning my head back underneath the water. I can hear billie's clothes dropping from behind the curtain as the hot water soaks my curly hair. not a moment later, billie is joining me underneath the water.
I step away from the stream and let the water rush over her pale body, while I scrub my scalp with shampoo.
"I dont know what your hair is like, so you can choose which product to use," I mumble under my breath, moving beside her in the cramped shower.
with difficulty, both of us shuffle in the claustrophobic box of steam. when it came down to washing our bodies, we both used the same body wash. I helped her wash her back, and she helped wash mine.
after a few minutes of letting the hot water pelt our skin, I can hear the bathroom door open.
"viviana, you know not to take too damn long in the shower." my grandmother's voice rings in my ears. "you have three other people living in this house, and all three of us happen to have bladders."
I look over at billie with wide eyes, motioning for her to stay quiet as I speak to the elderly woman. "sorry, gram," billie's blue eyes were wide as she presses herself against the wall, goosebumps rising on her skin. "wont happen again."
"it better not," my grandmother says, the toilet flushing. the water falling over us immediately turned freezing, a squeak leaving Billie's lips as it hits her hips and thighs. "what was that?" my grandma asks, and I can hear her look of confusion.
"th-the water got cold," I stutter, my eyes squeezing shut as my neck jerks harshly.
"viviana," my grandmother says in a threatening tone. I look over at billie to see her hands rubbing up and down her arms, warming herself as the water slowly warms back up. "who's clothes are these?"
I peek my head out from behind the curtain, seeing my grandmother holding billies shorts in one hand and a lacey black thong in the other. "fuckin' cunt - they're mine!" I curse, my jaw clenching slightly as my neck jerks. I feel billies hands on my shoulders, rubbing the tension out of them. "I brought them to change in to."
my grandmother rolls her eyes and drops the clothing back onto the floor. "you know better than to wear things like that, viviana."
billie squeezes my shoulders and I let out a hum, relaxing into her touch. I duck back behind the curtain and lean my back against billie's front, her arms snaking around my waist carefully. "yes, gram."
"make sure you eat before you go to bed." the woman says, opening the bathroom door. the cold air from inside the house made goosebumps rise on my warm skin, and I lean further in to billies body. "goodnight."
with that, the woman steps out of the bathroom and closes the door. Billie let's out a loud sigh of relief and squeezes my waist gently. "I think that's the longest I've ever stayed quiet - why does she ask you so many questions?"
I shrug slightly and lean my head back to rest on her shoulder. her hands trace small circles into my hips as she holds me close. "she's just nosey."
billie nods and rests her chin on my shoulder, pressing her lips to the exposed skin. "you have to admit," she laughs quietly into my ear, her warm breath hitting my neck. "that was funny as fuck."
I let out a laugh of my own, looking at billie. "it really was."
Billie's eyes connect with my own before darting town to my lips. our fingers were mere centimeters away, I could feel her heart pounding in her chest. before our lips could touch, though, I turn my head away from her and bite my lip.
"maybe we should get out now," I say softly, reaching behind her to turn the running water off. "we're definitely wasting water now."
billie clears her throat and nods, stepping out of the shower and grabbing my blue towel from the hook. she wraps the towel around her body and waits for me to do the same.
I hand her a comb before grabbing my own comb, attempting to get it through my tangled hair. as billie and I stare into the mirror above the his-and-her sinks, the song changes to a more up-beat parody.
my eyes widen as the beat starts and I grin, singing along as I struggle to pull the comb through my hair.
took me out to lunch, girl, said it was your treat
the waiter took my order, you didn't wanna eat
business woman special, burger fries no tea
i'll look down at my plate, and it dawned on me
billies eyebrows furrowed as she watches me through the mirror, using the brush as a microphone as I dramatically sing.
"why are you eating all of my god damn fries," I shout into the hairbrush, lifting my arm and squeezing my eyes shut for dramatics. "i am not on a diet, just look at my thighs, oh!"
once the song ended, I somehow ended up in hysterics on the floor. my stomach was hurting from how hard I was laughing, and billie just stood there, comb in her hand, watching me with an amused smile on her face.
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once I'd calmed down a bit, I looked up at her from my place on the floor, seeing her facial expression making me roll once again.
"okay, you're on something," she says with a laugh, pulling me off of the floor. "time for bed."
I pull my clothes on and watch as billie tugs the slightly bigger sweats onto her body. I turn my music off and open the bathroom door slowly, making sure the coast is clear before i open the door wider.
billie bolts out and into my bedroom, me following her closely.
this was fun. please vote and comment 💕 i love yall