some time later
"and she did just that. two weeks later, billie released an album with finneas. she dyed her hair three times and by the end of that year, she was nominated for six grammys."
"what about you, momma?" my six year old son looks up at me with big blue eyes, his curly blonde hair contrasting with his tanned skin.
"well..I wasnt so fortunate; at the same time that billie found out she was nominated for six grammys, i was admitted to a hospital - the same hospital you two were born in," I say softly, looking between the twins sitting in front of me.
the two had billies sparkling eyes and blonde hair, but my curly and messy natural hair as well as the darker skin. farah lynn and xavier thomas.
"but why?" my daughter asks softly, tears filling her eyes. "did you die?"
I let out a soft laugh at her words, brushing her hair behind her ear. ", I did; I was in an accident and my heart stopped."
xavier wrapped his arms around my neck as he climbs into my lap. "is that why you have wheels?" he asks, referring to the wheelchair sitting beside the bed.
I nod slightly, rubbing his back with my hand slowly. "it is - and that's also why mommy is gone all the time - so she can help pay for you two; y'all arent cheap, you know?" I joke with the twins as I tickle their stomachs, making them giggle loudly.
"what happened when you got into the accident?" my daughter asks me, her small hands fiddling with my fingers.
I sigh deeply, tears filling my eyes as I remember the events.
"I was driving home from seeing your mimi and pop pop- and it was raining. I had the radio up and i couldnt see very well, and then..I get a call..from your grandfather - my daddy. he started screaming about how he didnt want me and your mommy to be together for reasons you'll understand when you're older, and that made me very upset.
"while I was talking to him, I didnt see the light turn red. i ended up going 60 in a 35, and ran myself right into a lightpole." I say softly, shaking my head as tears fall from my eyes. "when the airbag exploded, it broke three of my ribs, and pierced my lung - and my ticks started acting up majorly, so along with my ticks, my neck broke and my spinal cord was damaged."
the children gasp at my words, their hands moving to cover their mouths at the same time.
"they rushed me into surgery, where my heart stopped beating for fifteen minutes, and they brought me back, with a new lung but no feeling in my legs." I say quietly, wiping my cheeks of the tears that had fallen while I relived that day.
"where was mommy?" my son asks, fiddling with the button on my shirt. "what was she doing?"
"she was on tour, like she is right now," I tell him quietly, running my hand through his messy hair. "it took her just four hours to get to me after she found out, though.
"she asked me to marry her that day," I tell them, a soft smile gracing my lips. "and then a year and a half later, you two came into our lives."
"mommy says we gave her stretch marks from hell," my daughter says with a giggle, her nose scrunching up just like billies.
"language, farah," I tell her with a laugh of my own. "but that does sound like something billie would say."
"momma, what wouldve happened if you never met mommy?" xavier asks me, his small hand reaching up to play with my hair.
"honestly?" I say softly, looking at the two miracles in front of me. "I wouldnt have been able to meet the two lights of my life - and I'd probably still be living with my grandmother."
"thank god you met me then" I hear a familiar voice. I look up at the doorway, seeing a gren haired billie leaning against the frame.
"mommy!" the twins scream, scrambling off of my lap to hug their mother.
I scoot to the edge of the bed and carefully get into my motorized wheelchair, rolling over to my small family. "what are you doing here? tour doesnt end for another two weeks," I say to billie, the grin never leaving my lips.
"I missed my babies," she says, peppering kisses over xavier and farah's faces, grinning as they giggle loudly. "and I missed my wife."
"I'll never get used to that," I murmur as she leans down slightly, pressing our lips together in a short peck. "who wants to watch disney classics and eat pizza?"
the children scream, "I do!" before running down the hall and into the living room, leaving billie and I alone in our room.
"sooner or later, they're gonna get tired of hearing about our life before them," she murmurs, wrapping her arms around my neck as she straddles my thighs.
"maybe so," I tell her, my hands resting on her hips. "but I'll never get tired of telling it."
"you always leave out the part where we end up fucking every time we see each other.." she murmurs into my neck, pressing her lips to my pulse point.
"we got them excited for disney and pizza," I tell her, my hands moving to cup her cheeks. "later, bil, i promise."
"i love you," she tells me, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
"i love you," I reply quietly, moving the both of us into the kitchen. "now, go out a pizza in the oven."
"bossy - I like it."
i cant do this book anymore yall so here's the end 😂thank you for the endless support. you dont know how much it truly means to me.
tick tock makes book #4 that I've written and finished since the beginning of october of this year (2019)
tick tock is also the hardest book ive ever had to write, as I based viviana on an actual friend of mine who doesnt want to be named. throughout the story, i referred to her when viviana would have a tick attack.
anyway, im so glad yall enjoyed this story..and to those of you who have been here since the beginning of Bite yall are the real ones and i want to express my love for you in every way.
if you're new here, please be sure to check out my other stories (bite, post it-sequel to bite, and newport) and be sure to follow me for more updates.
i love yall, im sorry this is so short but i literally can't focus on this book anymore- it stresses me out too much.
see you next time x

tick tock
Fanfictionin which two girls come together to overcome their own mental and physical health issues.