behind scenes, blatantly

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I have this belief that relationships last longer if you don't ask too much.

They'll tell you things at their own pace when they're ready, and if they never do that means you never needed to know. So, whenever I'm at her place I pretend the tiny eyes of her ex-husband and son aren't following; silently judging my every move within their coffee-colored frame.

I hoist her up onto the table by the door, taking her by surprise. She wraps her legs around me for balance, the combination of movements enough to rattle the furniture, making the picture fall on its face.

Just like that, the guilt fades away.

"We should take a shower first," she laughs, not noticing.

"Together?" I hum.

"Since you're being so impatient."

I lift her off the table, "Then let's go."

I carry her up a flight of stairs to the bedroom, tossing her onto the queen-sized bed. She squeals; we laugh, ripping each other's clothes off. It takes a slap to my face to be reminded that she wanted to take a shower beforehand.

"You're so gonna regret doing that," I dug my fingers into her hips as she adjusted the water temperature.

"Oh, how so?"

I brushed away her hair to bite her ear lightly.

"Very childish of you."

I spun her around to face me, "I thought you said I was being too mature for my age."

She simply smiles, face contorting when i fondle what's between her legs. My mouth goes back to her ear, chewing and licking till was red with bitemarks.

"We should really stop wasting the water," she groans, putting a hand around my wrist.

"I'll wash you."

We were already drenched from messing around, so all i needed to do was pump some body gel into my hand, and-

"Do you have to?" She eyes my hands that massage the mounds on her chest.

"You don't like it?"

The reply doesn't come. Her body leans backwards into mine: a well enough answer. I purposely move away to rubbing other parts of her gorgeous body, earning a click of her tongue.

"Gotta stop killing the environment right, miss?"

Her eyebrows furrow, "You're getting cockier by the day."

"Am I?"

She turns off the tap, placing her hands on my shoulders to push me backwards into the wall. A mischievous grin on her youthful face.

"My turn," she says, getting a handful of body gel into her palm.

She starts from my neck. Rubbing as if she was re-molding me like clay. Her touch gentle and firm. As her hands drift lower, she gets onto her knees, looking up at me with wild hunger in her eyes.

Her fingers cup the back of my knee," I think I should use my mouth here, hmm?"

Smirking, I lift my right leg, placing it over her shoulder. Without a pause, she presses into my crotch. Pleasure spreads through me like wildfire, enhanced by her gaze that looks up at me from underneath. I brush the wet hair out of her face, holding eye-contact as her tongue spells words between my lips. 

"God, you're so fucking hot. I'm gonna cum."

Her lapping becomes more eager at my declaration. My high reaching closer and closer; the knot in my stomach getting looser and looser. I let out a groan when she moans against me, tongue vibrating on my clit. My hand fists into a ball, tugging at her dark roots as I feel myself spill onto her like hot liquid.

I bring her face to mine, "You were spectacular."

"Big words," she laughs as I kiss her harshly back under the running water.

We were a tangle of limbs and wet hair falling into her bed just as her phone decides to go off. I'm nudged aside, so she could pick it up, the first name she calls to the person on the other line brings a sour taste to the back of my mouth. 

"You're coming over right now?" 

She needn't show me her eyes for me to get the message. I rolled off her bed, picking up the scattered clothes on her carpeted floor to dress myself up all over again as she continues her call.

"Yes, I'm home. Yes, yes, anything you want. See you soon, honey."

Her face is warm when the call ends. I peck her on the cheek before it fades, wanting to feel the curvature of her singular dimple. 

"Sorry, we got interrupted."

I poked the small dent on the corner of her lips, "It's okay. You don't need to apologize to me."

She simply smiles at the gesture, gets up from the bed, then starts getting dressed too.

"Should I call you a Lyft?" She offers.

"I can do it myself."


I sit on the edge of her bed to do it, while she picks out casual wear from her closet. An oversized tee, eggplant sweatpants, her wet hair pulled up into a messy bun. I want to stay and watch it dry, just to see how curly her hair would get when she lets it down. I'd be starstruck, I just know it. 

"When's your Lyft coming?" She sits down next to me.

I shut off my phone, "15 minutes. That eager to get rid of me?"

"You know I don't mean that," she rolls her eyes.

I have a hard time believing it, but I don't question it.

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