4. Live and Let Die

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I'm laying in bed next to Nik and he's just looking at me. He just told me that Mikael is alive. Also, Finn is alive and he's occupying the body of a witch name Vincent. "Are you okay?" Nik asks with concerned.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just... it's going to take longer to bring our daughter home, isn't it?" I asked and he stays quiet which means it's a yes. "We will do anything to bring our daughter home. Anything."

"Anything. I promise." He says as he grabs my hand and plays with my wedding ring. "Why didn't you tell me you were having doubts about our marriage?"

It was like I could feel my heart stop and I just stared at him for a moment. "Elijah?" I asked, knowing he was the only one who could've told him.

"Mhmm." He nods.

I looked at him for a moment before I told him everything.

"That was when I found out I was pregnant with our daughter. We talked about children before but that was just it. Talk. Then it became reality. I... I didn't know what to do. I mean, your first thought was that I cheated on you. You were spending all your time in the French Quarter with Marcel and his vampires. I was stuck in the plantation house all day and I hated that place. It felt like you were putting this town over me. I hated... I absolutely hated feeling that way."

"... I didn't know." He says, feeling guilty.

"I never said anything about it. Then Dominic's words about me being worth nothing more than a doormat felt true. His words got to me from time to time but they never got to me because of you. It was the first time you ever made me feel the way he made me feel. That I was nothing worth more than a doormat."

"I never meant for you feel that way." Nik says and I knew he was telling the truth because I know him.

"Then that's when the doubts started to come in. I never had doubts about loving you or you loving me. I just didn't like feeling that way and you weren't coming around the idea of me being pregnant and I wasn't going to give up my child. Not for you. Not for anyone. Then I confided in Elijah over a tub of ice-cream and we both know how that ended." I said and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Tell me something Nik. The first reason you accepted my pregnancy was because you didn't want to risk losing me."

He looks away knowing I'm right and then he looks me in the eyes, "Ava..."

"I know you love our daughter. I know you do. I saw it in your eyes when you came with me to the doctors. When you saw her on the screen you had a smile on your face and you were happy. Then things started to go back the way they were. I was happy again and you were happy. Things changed between us when we sent our daughter away. We just started using each other to satisfied each other needs. I didn't care you were using me and you didn't care I was using you. A part of me blamed you for us having to send our daughter away. Then I started blaming myself because things wouldn't have happened the way they did if I never step foot in New Orleans."

"They probably would have ended the same way." Nik tells me.

"Probably. Probably not. We'll never know." I said. "I believe we will be truly happy when we bring our daughter home."

"And we will." Nik says as he pulls me into his embrace and placed a kiss on my lips. "I never meant for you to feel the way Dominic made you feel. Your happiness was always important to me and it still is. And it is my fault that we had to send our daughter away. If I wasn't playing king then I would have known what Mother and her witches were planning."

"I guess it's one of the things we'll never know." I said and he looks at me, sadly. "But there is one thing I do know. I know that I'm madly in love with you. I love you, Nik. And this ring right here..." I showed him my left hand with my wedding ring and he holds my hand. "...means I want to be married to you and that I love you. A lot."

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