16. Save My Soul

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So much happened last night between me and Nik. I can't even think. I don't want to think. We didn't break up or are taking a break. We are together still... I think. We had an argument. An intense argument. The most intense and serious argument we ever had.

I just asked him for space and he's giving me it. He didn't even come to bed last night. I heard him come home late and he slept on the couch in the living room. Out of all the rooms in the compound, he decides to sleep on the couch.

After he went to sleep I went to sleep but then Hope woke up crying in the middle of the night so I brought her to my room and she slept on my bed. Probably wasn't a great idea since she'll get used to sleeping in my bed rather than her crib. She looks so peaceful beside me that I didn't want to wake her. Every time I looked at her she reminded me of Nik.


It's been a couple of days. Four days to be exact. Nik and I barely talk to each other. The only thing we talked about was Hope and that's it. It's morning and Hope is awake in her crib in the nursery.

I went downstairs and into the dining room and saw that it was all set up which confused me. What's happening here? Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen to get a blood bag when Nik walks out of the kitchen.



We both spoke at the same time which was awkward.

"You're awake." Nik said and he glanced at my hand to see my wedding ring still on. He's been doing that every time he sees me since that night we argued.

"Yeah, I woke up a while ago." I said and we stood there looking at each other in awkward silence. I hate that it was awkward. "What's all this?" I asked as I gesture towards the dining room.

"I'm hosting a breakfast brunch for my long lost sister Freya. It's to get information out of her. I was going to go up to your room... our room and asked you if you wanted to be here." Nik says and his eyes are full of hope.

"I can't. I'm going to the bayou with Hope." I said and he gives me an annoyed look. "What? Do I have to check-in and check out now?"

"Ava." He sighs because he doesn't want to argue.

"Sorry." I whispered under my breath.

"Just be careful."

"I will." I said and he smiles softly as I walk towards the fridge and grab a blood bag from in it. "Hope needs diapers, wipes, formula, and bottles... you know, the essentials. We only have a few left from what my brothers brought because everything else she owned was blown up in the safe house. I was going to go to the grocery store after I leave the bayou."

"Don't worry about it, love. I'll get it."

"You sure?" I asked and he nods. "She's a size three in diapers. I'll be back before dark. I'll see you tonight."

He nods at me again before I left the kitchen.


I'm here at the bayou with Hope. I'm sitting on the chair with her on my lap. Jackson is fighting against Aiden because they're learning to fight with their new abilities. I'm so deep in thought that I'm not paying attention to what they're saying.

Our Hope • Ava Rose MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now