21. Fire with Fire

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Nik and I were walking through the streets of the French Quarter. I felt so dizzy like I was about to faint and it probably has to do with the amount of blood loss from the compound to the hospital. I was pretty calm the whole ride there while Nik was panicking the whole time thinking I was dying. He reminded me of my mother because with every little injury I got she thought of the worst. It was pretty funny to see him like that because he had no idea what to do.

It's been hours since we left the hospital and saw Dahlia and we haven't fed. We should have probably fed at the hospital but feeding wasn't really at the top of my priority list. I have a really bad headache and Nik looks completely drained from him pulling the dagger out of himself.

"We need to feed." He says very low, the dark circles under his eyes very apparent.

I'm pretty much used to not feeding for a couple of days but Nik isn't since he feeds when he pleases. I just feed whenever I need the strength or when I'm hungry. It's not that I don't want to feed when I please... because I do. I've just grown into a habit of forgetting to feed.

My ears picked up some distant noises as we turned the corner of a street to see people all out on the streets. Some sort of festivities is going on because people are holding cups yelling drunkenly while jazz bands march while playing their tunes.

I heard thunder and lightning continue to rumble as I watch a man and a woman walk arm in arm. Nik and I give each other a look that tells us we found a person to feed on.

We stayed on the sidewalk of the corner of the street as the couple made their way to us without realizing this would be their last moments.

They take the turn and the man jumps back, startled when he bumps into Nik, "whoa!"

"Good evening." Nik says weakly. "I wonder if you could help me? I'm feeling a bit famished."

"I'm sorry." The man apologizes. "I don't have any change."

"Well, that's no problem, mate! I'll just help myself." He says before lunging towards the man and starts violently feeding on him.

The girl ran away screaming and I just stood in place for a few seconds before I used my super-speed and sped towards her and when I got close to her I grabbed her by the neck and sank my fangs into her neck and in return, she screamed in terror.

The sweet taste of human blood never ceases to amaze me. She had beautiful curly auburn hair and green eyes. The freckles on her face added to the beauty she held. Unfortunate for her, no one else would be able to see it.

I snapped her neck while still feeding on her because she was yelling too much which would draw unwanted attention to us and she was still fighting me. I drank every last drop but somehow it still wasn't enough and I still had a headache. It didn't hurt as much but it was still there which felt unpleasant.

"You must be hungry, considering what you've endured." I heard Dahlia says appearing in the alley with us so I turned to face her.

"I've never been daggered. Never knew it was such an agonizing experience. It does help explain why my siblings loathe me." He told her as he made his way towards me. "Have you had enough or do you need more?" He asked wiping the blood off my lips and I shook my head no.

I didn't want to speak to Dahlia or even acknowledge her because I might try to kill her and end up dying or worse getting Nik killed and having my daughter taken from us.

It was kinda weird that she was just watching him wipe the blood off my lips. I don't mind the affection from him when we're around people but when it's just one person that happens to be his Aunt Dahlia just weirds me out. Nik doesn't seem to be bothered by her presence and just seems to be focused on my well-being.

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