~~ Goblin Grief ~~

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L wasn't about to let them be separated, she fired a barrage of attacks at the Krava. Managing to injure one of them, she was ready to pull Móra into a run to rejoin her friends, but Móra seemed to have other ideas.

"It's close, I know it is. We can get there, come on." She signed enthusiastically.

Apparently Móra wasn't the slightest bit concerned by the Demon attack, she only cared about getting to the Goblin. Before L could tell her they needed to regroup, she ran off, dodging through the legs of the gangly Krava. L couldn't leave Móra to go alone, she had agreed to help her, but abandoning the others didn't feel right either.

"Go! We'll be fine!"

L heard the call over the hissing of the Krava, all the while keeping out of reach of their overstretched limbs. She could see Bryce darting between the Krava they were dealing with, he couldn't get by but he was holding his own. Their eyes met for a split second and he nodded his encouragement, indicating they would be okay. L didn't hesitate after that, she turned and ran, dodging the Demon attacks and running after Móra.

It didn't take long to catch up to her, several streets away from the attack, she was sniffing the air mid-run. L knew the Krava were following them, she had to think fast; how could she defeat two of them- preferably before they ran into the Goblin? L opted for the Demon's own tactic, divide and conquer, if she could down one Krava then the second would be much easier to handle. They rounded a street of sandstone houses, each side lined with trees and various vehicles. L felt her plan forming and quickly set it into motion before the Krava caught up.

The cars and vans were easy to move and stack, creating a pathway just wide enough for one of the Demons to pass through at a time. L expressly told Móra she would have to wait for her if she wanted L's help- it wouldn't take long. She wasn't impressed but she agreed to wait. L turned from her vantage point atop a workman's van to see the Krava heading for them. They hissed and snapped at the scene in front of them. They had no choice but to come through single file.

L held the cars in place with a little magic, she eyed the first Krava and watched a distance begin to grow between the two. She waited patiently and timed it down to the second before she pounced, Werewolf claws out and sword in hand. L slashed back and forth at the first Krava faster than it could move one of its shadowy limbs to stop her. The creature wailed in agony, it began to smoke and suddenly burst into a shower of ash and black goo.

L found herself standing in front of the second Krava, this one was enraged to see her win against its brethren. It howled and launched itself at her, firing every available limb in an attempt to hit her. L dodged and dived over cars, trying to strike for herself. Despite a few minor cuts, she couldn't get close enough to inflict real damage. She attacked with Elf magic, something to slow the Demon down but it did nothing to this Krava.

Móra was waving at L from behind the van, L jumped up and ran across the tops of the cars until she reached her.

"What is it?"

"I can help, but then we go to the Goblin."

She appeared to be making a deal, she would help only if L agreed they'd go straight to the Goblin.

"Alright, yes," L responded in annoyance. They didn't have time to be arguing.

Móra nodded, she knew L would keep her word, as Keeper her word was sacred. Móra moved around the van just as the Krava reached them, though instead of attacking Móra it seemed to regard her with eyes nobody could make out. Móra was staring back, a dead stare that even stopped L in her tracks for the briefest moment. She managed to recover in time to catch the Krava by surprise, L slashed her blade down through the centre of the Demon.

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