3. Tomorrow's Another Day

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The events at the party were shocking: Byakuya Togami, The Ultimate Affluent Progeny, was murdered, and by none other than their friend Teruteru Hanamura, The Ultimate Cook. Not only that, but Nagito Komaeda's true colours were revealed.

People began to grow fearful when Nagito didn't show up for breakfast, or anything really, the next day. It was the same the day after that, and people thought that he may be planning something again. It was only when Nekomaru slipped up and Kazuichi had to explain, that everyone calmed down.

Nekomaru and Kazuichi had tied Nagito up in the old building, the same place where the events of the party took place. Nobody seemed to care anymore, and it was only when Mahiru came to Hajime that any problems were addressed.

'Hajime! Be a good person and take this to Nagito. I've been there already, and god is he fussy with his food. He said he won't eat rice for breakfast and that he'd prefer toast, but I am not going back there.' She dumped the tray into Hajime's hands. 'Thanks Hajime. See you later!' With that she ran off.

Why do I have to deal with this? Then again, I could try and find out more about him with this chance.

Time skip to when Hajime gets to the old building.

He was stood infront of the door. He was hesitant; who knew what state Nagito was in. He had been in this room for the past three days, unable to move. Hajime pushed back his fears and opened the door, hoping to look anywhere but at Nagito. Well, that failed.

Nagito was laying on the floor on his side, and Hajime almost want to go back to Kazuichi and moan at him for not putting him in a better position. His eyes were closed and if it weren't for the fact he opened them once he heard Hajime, he could have been mistaken as asleep. Then again, who could sleep in such an uncomfortable position.

'Hajime! Did Mahiru force you to come and give me food? You really didn't have to, a human can survive around three weeks without, and I'm sure you'll all be off here by then.'

'Mahiru didn't force me to bring you food.' Well she did but that wasn't important right now was it? 'She asked if I could help her and I agreed to it.'
'Awww you agreed to see someone as hideous as me?'
'Nagito, I'm still willing to be your friend.' Nagito fell silent at that.

Hajime walked over to where Nagito was lying on the floor, put the tray down, and picked Nagito up.
'W-what are you doing?!'
'Moving you to a better position.'
'So you don't hurt.' Nagito was not only blushing, but tied up, and pouting. Oh my god why is he hot??

Hajime had Nagito lean up against the wall and then went to go and pick the tray back up.

'Hajime, you're going to have to feed me. You know that right?'

'Of course, I'm not stupid.' (Really Mr I-don't-know-what-an-octogon-is)

Once Hajime had returned to Nagito with the tray, he sat down infront of him. He held the now cold toast in his hands, suddenly being overcome with embarrassment.
'What, having second thoughts?'
'I'm not going to leave you to starve!' Hajime shouted not being able to deal with the embarrassment. He held the piece of toast in front if Nagito's face, eyes clenched shut, face turned to the side, bright red. He only reopened his eyes when Nagito took a bite of the bread.

Hajime was now smiling widely, not caring whether it was noticeable or not, whilst he watched Nagito take small nibbles of the toast. Once he finished, he licked his lips to get rid of the remaining crumbs and Hajime couldn't help it.
He brought his arms around Nagito's head, and pulled him closer, leaving no gap between them.
The kiss was short, over as soon as it started. Hajime really wanted to do it again, and he would have done if it weren't for Nagito bursting into a coughing fit straight after.

Hajime awkwardly patted Nagito's back until the coughing ceased.
'Are you okay?'
'Yeah.. I'm fine.'
'You sure?'
'I promise.'

The two of them sat in silence for a while, before Sonia came through the door, startling the them.

'Sorry, but Mahiru told me that she had sent Hajime to give Nagito breakfast, and she then asked me to find out why it was taking so long for him to get back.' She smiled as she spoke, but it didn't do anything for her, as discomfort was still evident in her appearance.

'Right. See you Nagito.' He smiled at Nagito then picked the tray back up. He left the old building with Sonia, talking about how Sonia had decided to invite the girls to have a beach day.

Timeskip to night.

Hajime was sleepless. He couldn't stop thinking about that kiss.

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