1. Sleepless ⚠️

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Mikan had just been execucted, and Monomi had finished beating another Monobeast, allowing access to the 4th island. After some debate, the remaining students decided it was worth checking out.

The island was designed as a theme park, filled with large rides. Kazuichi had almost thrown up on the rollercoaster, and with the reward of getting info on the first killing game, the students were left confused about Byakuya Togami. Could they have escaped if he were still alive?

Finally, the students went to the funhouse. Well 'went' isn't the right word. It was their new motive; they were stuck in two disgustingly decorated houses, the Strawberry House and the Grape House, and to top it off, left with no food. They would either starve to death, or have to face another class trial.

They began to look around the houses, starting with the Strawberry House. It had only two rooms so they hoped that the Grape House had more than that.
Well that didn't work, as the Grape House also had only two rooms. This posed a problem, as there were nine students.

'Upupupupu... so, not only are you starving, you'll have to share a room with someone. What an invasion of personal space!' Monokuma's voice echoed throughout the room.

'But, there are nine of us, and only four rooms? How does that work?' Chiaki tiredly asked, already wanting to sleep probably.

'Well, since you, Sonia and Akane are the only girls, you can all share one room, I'll make sure you have one with the biggest bed. As for you boys, you can go in pairs.' With that Monokuma left.

'So are you guys gonna sort out your pairs or something?' Akane spoke up over the silence.

'I know one thing, I'm definitely not going with freakshow! Fuyuhiko, go with me!' Kazuichi answered immediately.

'Fine, jeez just don't keep me up at night, starving won't help sleeping at all and the last thing I need is you screaming in the night!'

'Huh!? What do you mean screaming? You think I'm gonna have a nightmare or something?!'

'I wish too, to not stay with such a criminal, for it shall disturb the peace of my Four Dark Devas of Destruction!'

'Don't worry about it, I'll go with Nagito.' Hajime knew he would be forced to stay with Nagito in the end, so why not just speed thing up.

'Huh? I thought we'd need to blackmail you into doing it, but this makes things a whole lot easier. Nekomaru, you go with Gundam and everything's sorted!' Kazuichi filled in all the gaps.

'Um, if it all right with all of you guys, would it be fine if us girls had one of the rooms in Grape House. All these strawberries are hurting my eyes.' Sonia ever-so politely asked.

'Of course that's fine, Miss Sonia. You deserve first choice!'

'Ignoring him, I think would be best if Kazuichi wasn't in the same house as Sonia, so Hajime you get first choice, y'know since you've already got pretty unlucky.' Fuyuhiko looked over to Nagito, who was staring into space, silently.

'If it's okay, could I- I mean we, just stay on this side?'

'Of course Hajime! Gundam and I shall stay with the ladies over at Grape House!'

'All right! I could fit in some more training with coach Nekomaru!'

'No Akane, we must preserve our energy, which is why I suggest that we all get an early night.'

'Miss Sonia's right. Night.'

'Hey! Kazuichi wait up!' With that both Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko were gone, the others heading over to the elevator to Grape House, leaving Hajime alone with a dazed Nagito.

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