Chapter 1

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Large rough hands slid gently down my arms sending electric shocks through out my whole body. I couldn't get in enough air into my lungs the sensation was over whelming. I couldn't see anything I tried opening my eyes but it was like I was blind folded , I need to see him I want to look into his eyes and see love shining in his eyes only for me. A pair of soft warm lips gently touched my cheek slowly making a trail to mine. I will love you forever you are MINE! His lips crashed onto mine I moaned and....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVORY! I sat up panting, my heart was racing from the erotic dream and from my parents scaring me to death.


Sorry baby girl but we wanted to surprise you. My dad said sitting on the side of my bed.

Well you both succeeded. I gave them a smile. I love my parents they are the best, they let me be me and not try and push me to be one of the "popular girls". Hell you couldn't pay me to be one of them, I just have too much respect for myself as a person. I don't care if that has made me an outcast my whole life, don't get me wrong I have a group of good friends and of course my family.

So are you ready to go find you're mate today baby? My mom asked me with a wistful look in her eye. I guess she was thinking about the day she met my dad. I hope my mate and I end up like my parents, I want a love like they have.

Mom I don't know if I will meet him today who knows when I will.

Oh baby I'm sure you will meet him as school, I just have a feeling about it. She gave me a big smile.

Uh mom I hope not, the guys at school are not mate material. Well at least not when it comes to me. I glanced down at my hands inter-twining my fingers. My dad lifted my chin so he could look at my face.

Honey now don't lower you're gaze you are an Alpha wolf and don't worry when you look into each other's eyes he will fall in love with you and Nalla okay?

I nodded my head, they were right I was just being paranoid about this. My mate was mine and my wolf's other half, it was rare that when a mate refuses their other half. Like poor Seth his mate had already met and married a human she fell in love with and had started a family. When they met she was pretty far along in the pregnancy and she refused him right there in front of her husband and my older brother. It hardened him, he wasn't the carefree Seth but he wasn't mean by any means unless he had to be. Especially when it came to defending me, he was always protective of me but after that he was even more protective than Danny my brother and Seth's best friend.

Well we will let you get ready, and I will make you're favorite breakfast.

Thanks mom, I'll see you both down stairs in a few. After they left I headed to the bathroom to shower, shave, brush my teeth and hair. I went back into my bedroom wrapped in a towel and pulled out my bra and panties. I looked at myself in the mirror and looking back at me was the same girl well now woman. Black hair that has natural waves and curls, silver/blue eyes button nose, softly rounded cheeks. All that was fine it was the neck down is what I didn't really like. My breasts god my breasts I swear they get bigger each damn day, why couldn't they have stopped at a C cup no they had to go to a D cup. I know I know most girls would be freaking ecstatic about having huge breasts well I hate it! I hate the attention they give me all guys want is to see just how quick they can get me naked and have a quick screw. My stomach is rounded I'm not fat or anything I just don't have a flat stomach or even that nasty caved in stomach that is popular with the girls. My hips are bigger other girls my age and I'm not standing on the pencil thin legs that all the girls are working so hard to achieve. I'm a were wolf I like to eat and if my mate doesn't like it well too damn bad. I huffed at my reflection and walked into my closet, I pulled on a pair of comfortable jeans, tee shirt and grabbed a pair of sneakers. 

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