Chapter 2

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Charles POV:

A pair of lips woke me up trailing up my neck to my own lips. Mmmm which twin did I fall asleep with last night? Doesn't really matter they don't know I'm sleeping with the both of them. Plus the alpha female that goes to my school, I heard her father owns multiple businesses and half of them go to her when her father retires. I already planned on which college to go to for business so that I can take over and my mate can stay at home all day cooking and cleaning being the perfect little mate. I pried her off of me and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

Time for you to go I have to get ready for school. Standing up I made my way to my adjoining bathroom.

Come on Charlie we can have a little fun before we have to leave. The girl whined.

No I need to shower and get ready for school I will see you later. With that I closed the bathroom door and started the shower waiting for the water to heat up. After getting ready I headed down stairs and stopped at the kitchen to see my parents uh they are pathetic my father is just a bank manager and my mom is the manager at a restaurant. For humans that would be good but for were wolves it's just pathetic. I plan on mating the marring the alpha female and live the life I deserve and not stuck in some two level house in the damn suburbs. I quickly get into my Ford Mustang and head to school to meet up with my future mate.

I pull into my usual spot in the back so no one hits my car and start walking up the the picnic table my group sits at. There she is my future mate and the alpha female Sasha Miller. I could pick out her honey blonde hair and deep blue eyes from anywhere. She is the average height for a female wolf and skinny. She is always watching what she eats and exercising so she always stays super model hot just for me. Today she is wearing one of my favorite skirts it's so short she may get in trouble just for wearing it but I don't care it's easy access just for me. I walked up to my friends and pulled Sasha up against my chest and pressed my hard on up against her ass. Hey baby she purred at me. Standing there bull shiting with my friends the first warning bell went off we all headed to our lockers and class rooms.

Sasha and I walked to our first period classes, we stopped at mine since Sash'as was the next room down the hall. I pulled Sasha to me and crashed my lips to her's taking her breath away, she was moaning and I was getting into our heated make out session when the scent of honey suckle and fresh rain hit me hard. It wasn't coming from Sasha but another female wolf inside my class room.


My wolf screamed in my head.

No wait, Sasha is supposed to be our mate.

No you want her to be our mate but she isn't, our mate is in there. Go to her I want our mate now!

But Sasha would be the perfect mate, when she is ours we will get control of her father's companies.

She is perfect for someone else not us. Our mate is made just for us you will see, now go in there I want to see our mate.

I said a quick good bye to Sasha and opened the door to see "who" our mate is. NO NOT HER! She is the damn omega of her pack, I deserve the alpha female not some lowly little nobody like Ivory Silverstone. I walked back to my seat and stared at her, seriously why would the goddess pair me up with someone like her. I am meant to surpass my parents not have a position even lower than the ones they already have. No I will not let destiny rule my life, I will not accept her as a mate. As soon as this class is over I will refuse her and then go to Sasha and ask her to be my chosen mate. My wolf kept trying to connect with Ivory's wolf but I refused to let him get attached to the little nerd. As soon as he realizes what I am doing is best the sooner he will accept Sasha and her wolf as our mate. The bell rang and everyone got out of their seats headed to their next class, Ivory got up like normal and followed the line of out into the hall. I trailed behind her and her loser friend her scent and her wolf was driving mine crazy, I needed to get this done with. I grabbed her shoulder and slammed her into the lockers that are next to us. There was a collective gasp from all of the students that surrounded us and then complete silence. I stared into the eyes of my so called mate and I have to admit that she is beautiful with her pitch black hair, almost see through blue eyes, but the female didn't care about her body image. She always wore the same old tattered hoodie that hung down to her knees to to hide her fat over weight body. Sash told me that her pack is always making fun of her because of her weight and she is the pack's personal slut. If a male in their pack was in need then Ivory was always more than willing to spread her legs for them.

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