Chapter 9 The Day Followed

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Chazz Princeton's POV

I admit, I was shocked when Alexis asked Jaden to dance with her, but what I was mad about was that she asked him to be her own boyfriend! It hurts!

I could see Jaden and Alexis together than most of the weeks that passed after the dance. So I kept observations to prove my point. They entered the same class together holding hands, whenever one of them glanced at each other, blushing happened. And me, I was screaming on the inside while this was occurring right in front of me. All my fantasies of Alexis marrying me after Duel Academy went away. Like those soap bubbles I used to see when I take a bath.

Though this wasn't some case, Jaden's friends were seemly cool with it, but they were guys and as a guy myself, I would know the words and reactions that were there. 

But then there's the new Slifer student was another thing. She rarely spoke except towards to Jaden and Alexis, though it was mostly to Jaden she seems to enjoy having conversations with. This clicked in my head like an idea.

New Slifer + Jaden. Good ship, that would leave Alexis boyfriend-less which would give me the advantage to ask her out and we all would be happy. Perfect plan! First I gotta break the two up before I get little newbie and Slacky Jaden together.

Today we all were at the Academy pool enjoying a time without homework and no need to watch Duels from the audience. I kept along a hidden look towards the newbie...Hailey, I think, who was with Jaden keeping only her head outside of the water though little bits of neck was shown which looked like she was floating without showing any parts of her body. But I'm sure she was borrowing those school swimsuits in the locker rooms.

I scooted or in swimming terms paddled towards Alexis who was having a conversation with Hassleberry and Mindy talking about whatever it was they were saying until Hassleberry's eyes were upon my figure. Alexis noticed this and turned her head noticing me giving me a death glare when she saw it was me which made me sink to the water to where my nose was above water level. And yes, I was holding my breath.

"Chazz, what do you want?" Alexis asked having her voice go dark and mad as if she was planning to torture me. I raised my head out of the water so I could be able to use my voice "Um, I wanted to talk to you of course," I managed to say "Cause I wanted to see you and..." "If you want to nag me for some crush you got, it won't work" Alexis interrupted me "You think breaking up a couple is that easy, do you?" The redness on my face began to feel meaning I began to rapidly blush and was embarrassed of her words. I should have figured she would know what I was going to do first.

"Well, you got me there, but there's a catch you didn't notice." I said having my eyes find Jaden and Hailey "That Slifer girl that shares a room with Jaden. I noticed that she has some feelings for him and I see some chemistry between them. Doesn't that seem...romantic?" "You aren't good at Chemistry," Alexis replied "I still remember that incident at the School labs that had some need for cleaning that gave us study time for a test most was able to pass".

"I thought we agreed to forget that! That was a total accident!" I suddenly blurted out. I could hear Mindy and Hassleberry snicker behind the both of us, but I try this time to cool my temper to at least give Alexis more time for this conversation "Anyway, I see firstly that this Hailey may have a crush on Jaden. They do get along and I was hoping you would help them get together..."

"You want me to break up with Jaden so you and Hailey would get a huge advantage?" Alexis asked. That left me a bit speechless cause I still was able to give a "ehhh" sound before nodding in defeat. 

"I'm awed you actually consider someone's feelings besides you're own, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline this offer. I love Jaden too, and he made the effort to make this relationship a try. It's also his choice too so there's no chance he wants that idea in his head." She started to swim back to Mindy and Hassleberry before stopping to turn towards me again "And one last thing, being matchmaker without one consent isn't your style". Then she swam back.

I, sort of standing, more of stood put where I was watching Alexis. Without even thinking or speaking, I swam to where Jaden and Hailey was seeing that they were still there, except Jaden was standing on a rock as if...

"Jaden, be careful about this. Most of the water around the shore isn't really deep for this." Hailey called. Yep, he's doing a dive.



Hailey got drenched and the Jaden was underwater somewhere around that area. I quickly swam to the new Slifer hoping Jaden wouldn't come out already and get me drenched too. She noticed me coming and lost her giggling smile that the dive made. She only waved to me a small hello.

"Sup Slifer," I greeted her laying my back and arms on the nearby rock which was the same one Jaden jumped off of. She began bitting her left cheek a bit and fiddled with her hands slightly "I have a name." She murmured lowering her head looking at the water far from the surrounding area. I didn't say much having my eyes on her, noticing something reddish tan on her right  shoulder, but as soon as I was about to ask what was with her shoulder...


I get trenched and Jaden returns to the surface. Hailey laughs regaining that smile from before and swims over to him "That was super long Jaden, how did you survive underwater?" she complimented seemly ignoring a drenched Chazz. Really nice.

"I didn't, I swam around, get a few breathers and swam back" Jaden explained. I didn't want to listen more so I decided to leave the pool.

As I was in the males room getting my clothes back on, I wasn't seemly in the right mood to greet the rest of the boys once I was able to get back to the classroom they were currently in. I didn't seem to have time to chat, only just getting my textbook and pretend to read. Most of the conversation from other people was cut of from my hearing so I didn't know what was going on though.

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