London Fantasies

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A/N: Hey everyone! This is my very first fanfiction! I'm so excited to share my ideas with you all :D Enjoy

  PROLOGUE (Added: Feb. 3, 2013)

    I wracked my brain for an answer. What were we going to do? If I had known sooner, if I had believed him earlier, would things be different? My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest. The agony of my heart break was too much. What did she have that I didn’t? How could he choose her over me? I thought he loved me! I was an imbecile to think that there was such a thing as a happy ending. I could hear Margaux trying to talk to me, but I was numb. There was nothing but incoherent murmurs escaping her lips. Nothing made sense. Not anymore... I could hardly imagine a time of normalcy. I remembered the day that changed everything.


MARGAUX’S POV A/N: it is pronounced (Mar-go) I just like funky spelling. CONTINUE

    This was it. I was freaking out, but a little voice told me I needed to do this.

I was thousands of feet in the air. Toes gripping the edge, adrenaline

coursed through my veins. I took in a breath..... and I jumped.

    I was hit with the terrifying sensation of falling. I plummeted through the sky

like a malfunctioning kite. The world went by as a blur. The wind deafened my

ears. I could see the ground steadily approaching. Was this going to work?

I pulled the chord.

    The parachute jerked me back up. Phew! I did not want to be Ms. Pancake today.

When my eyes and ears adjusted I could see Louis laughing and floating along

side me. Just seeing him smile made me smile.

" You alright Margaux ? You look a bit ill," he asked me worriedly.

"Ya I'm fine, just a little frazzled from the drop," I replied.

"Good! One down 49 more to go!" he laughed and floated farther down towards the


    Lou and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember. I always think

back to the time when we were little. Playing in the park, entertaining his

sisters, or just sharing our dreams. I always enjoyed his company. When he left for

Xfactor I knew he would make it 100%. His voice was beautiful. I was happily

surprised when they put him into a group. During those times I had worried he

would forget all about me. Which was silly. He called me everyday explaining his

escapades with Harry. Now, with One Direction being so successful they were

going away on tour. Louis was excited to see the world, but sad to leave home

yet again. So we concocted a Best Friend Bucket List of 50 crazy things to do

together. Skydiving being one of them...

    I took this once in a lifetime opportunity to take in the view from the city.

London looked so mystical. All the fog hung around the skyscrapers. I always

thought London to be a place where fairy tales happened. The world went by in a

second here, but at the same time it was all in slow motion. I felt as though fables and reality mixed in this whimsical place I called home. I had been to the

states a few times, but London had a special place in my heart.

    The ground steadily approached and I went over what the diving instructor, Ed,

had said about landing.

"You have to hit the ground running and the parachute will fall behind you."

I thought those words had some sort of deeper meaning. I could see the way he

had said it. There was something else behind his instructions, but I couldn't

put my finger on it.

Here we go.

    I hit the beach running, but there was just so much force (ie. my clumsiness)

so I tripped over my two left feet. I could just feel my face hitting the sand.

Wait? No face full of sand?

I looked up to see Louis chuckling at my fumble. Good thing he was here to catch

me. Sand isn't on my top list of favorite foods.

"I swear I'm gonna have to wrap you in caution tape one of these days. Your a

danger to yourself and others," Louis giggled.

"Haha I suppose so. Now help me detach from this parachute. It's quite heavy."

After Louis had detached me, we said thank you to our diving instructors. Ed gave me a knowing wink and whispered, “ See you in the time ahead Little Bird.” Okay.... I know that should have definitely creeped me out to some degree, but he just seemed like a lovely, humble guy. I didn’t pay much mind to it. Skipping back across the sand to Louis, we decided to have a snack by a little cafe along the shore. We were discussing our skydiving experience over some scones.

“It was such a thrilling experience! It was falling and flying all at the same time! I couldn’t feel my face!” Louis exclaimed.

“Ya our flight instructors were pretty interesting too,” I replied

“Instructors? We only had one, Josh.”

“Nuh uh! Ed was another instructor.”

“What are you talking about Margaux, the only people on the plane were you, me and Josh. No one else.”

Well this was odd. I was sure Ed was there. It was probably the adrenaline causing me to imagine things. I am a bit quirky under pressure. In fact, I’m quirky all the time...

“Haha you know what? The pressure and adrenaline must have really gotten to me. I must have imagined it.”

“Your mind is all over the place, I wouldn’t be surprised,” he snickered.

I couldn’t help feeling something wasn’t right...

A/N: Hi again. Hope your all guessing and such. JUST YOU WAIT!!!! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED HUNNY! Comment with feedback or just to say hi! :)

Yep.... so.... basically I love you bye! <3

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