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The walk to my dorm room was incredibly silent. I honestly had nothing to say to Korey. "Tiara" I heard my name being called down the hall. I turned and it was Keenan.

"Are you good?" He asked me. I just looked at him. I also had nothing to say to him so I slapped him across the face. "Don't try to act like you care about me now that Korey is here, go back to doing exactly what you were doing with your girlfriend" I said to him and walked away.

I could tell I hit him hard from the stinging sensation it left on my hand. He deserved that slap and if I could I would do it again.

We finally made it to my dorm, I sat my keys down on my table and just stayed facing the wall. I can't face him right now and he knows it.

I felt him come up behind me and begin to run his warm soft hands down my arms. Korey's touch always had an affect on me and I hate how much he knew it did.

"I'm so sorry Ti" he whispered into my ear. I moved my head away from him and he sighed. That's when I finally turned around to look up at him "what are you doing here?" I asked him "to show you how sorry I am, you know I'm a man of actions" Korey said to me.

It's actually true, Korey has always been the type that say if we get into it, seconds later he's at my door with flowers and my favorite candy. He hates arguing period let alone over the phone. So I'm actually not surprised that he showed up, but at the same time I am because we aren't together anymore and he was all the way in Georgia while I'm here in D.C.

"I know" I sighed, "and yes I know we aren't together anymore but Ti I'm still in love with you and I need you to understand that I would never ever hurt you like that on purpose. You have to believe me. I regretted it as soon as I realized what I was doing. The next morning I woke up so confused and lost, that's how drunk I was" he explained to me.

I know Korey and he's someone I always knew I could trust never once had to question it. Seeing him with another girl just threw me so off because I'm so use to being the girl by his side.

"I know I believe you, I'm just not use to this. I'm not use to us being apart and seeing another girl on your side" I said to him. "Yeah, I peeped that Anthony guy .. doesn't really seem like the type you'd go for" he slid that comment in there trying to be slick.

I chuckled, Korey wiped my tears off my face "and you know my type?" I asked him "it's me" he cradled my face with his hands and pulled me into a kiss. Of course I automatically kissed him back without any type hesitation.

When he pulled away I breathed "what are we doing?" I asked him "we're two young adults who are so madly in love with each other that we aren't even letting distance get in the way of that" he said. I sighed and looked down.

"But we both know that breaking up was the right decision" I said to him "I know" he sighed.

Korey was sitting down on my chair at my desk with his head down in his hands. I walked over towards him and got in between him.

I cupped his face in my hands and we just looked at each other. "If it's meant to be then it will be" I said to him. Then there was a knock at my door.

I backed away from Korey and went to open my door. Of course it was Keenan. Why did it take Korey coming here for him to wanna speak to me.

"What do you want?" I asked him "let him in" Korey said. I just looked at him and then moved to the side to let Keenan walk in.

"I wanted to make sure you were good" Keenan spoke up "nah bro , don't try to be here for her now after you've been treating her like shït for these last couple of weeks" Korey called him out on. "Stop acting like you know everything" Keenan said back.

Korey chuckled "I do, Ti and I talk almost everyday and you got my girl calling me crying over your bïtch ass" he said.

Oh no.

"You gon watch that bïtch word" Keenan walked towards Korey and Korey stood up , they were both tall but I didn't know their exact heights but just know both of them are tall as ever , so while they're going back and forth I'm just down here.

"What you gonna do about it Keenan?" Korey laughed "you know I don't ever say too much so wassup" Keenan said.

"See yeah this is what we're not gonna do" I finally spoke up and got in between them.

"Keenan ... I don't understand you or the way you move and it's throwing me off to the point where I just don't want you in my life at all anymore. You're so picky and choosy, you left me for that girl. You chose her. A person who's done nothing but hurt you over the person who's been there for you through it all, from heartbreaks to mental breakdowns." Of course my overly sensitive self began to tear up.

"I don't understand why you can't just accept the fact that I'm happy with Alexis" he said. I laughed and so did Korey.

"Did everything she's ever done to you just leave your brain?" Korey asked him "she's used people to hurt you" he also added. "She Keyed your car, you almost failed your final exams because of her" Korey also added. "The list just goes on, and I refuse to support that relationship and you know your parents would too" I said to him.

"Her intentions will forever and always be evil, she knows that she has some type of control over you and you allow her to always come back, I just. I can't anymore Keenan" I looked at him.

He didn't have anything to say "Tiara, I'm in love with you ... always have been and always will be." That was all Keenan said before he left out my room.

I looked over at Korey , but he didn't look shocked or surprised like I did "anyone with common sense knew that" Korey spoke.

"I-... I don't wanna deal with this anymore, I wanna go home" I told him. "Let's lay down and take a nap, we can discuss flights when we wake up" Korey said.

I nodded my head and started taking my clothes off so I could get into my bed and Korey did the same.

I climbed into my bed and he joined me, wrapping his arms around my body and bringing me into him.

I felt a tear slide, "I love you Ti" Korey said "I love you too" I said back and then I continued to silently wipe my tears away.

I just need my mom.


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