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I finally arrived at work. I was greeted by the ladies at the front desk. I gave them a smile and continued walking to the elevator.

I got to his office and knocked on the door.. He opens the door and looks down at me.. Seeing that he is around 6'2" and I'm only 5'4"

"Oh it's just you" he glares

I didn't even know what to say to that.. I stood in shock until he says "well come in and get to work, I don't pay you for nothing"
"Yes sir" I muttered
He gave me some paperwork to do. While I was working I found myself thinking about why he doesn't like me.. Have I met him before? Me and my big mouth decides to blurt out "what did I ever do to you for you to be an arrogant jerk to me?"

I immediately regret saying that as soon as it came out of my mouth..

He looked at me, shocked, "who the hell do you think you're talking to like that you idiotic bitch"

My jaw dropped open.. Even though I needed this job, I could never let someone talk to me with such disrespect. I did nothing to him and the first time we met he was already being snobby. Is it because I don't come from a rich family? And I actually have to work for money.

I was about ready to quit but I thought about amanda.. I need to do this for her. I'll just keep my mouth shut and do as he says.

"We have a meeting to attend. Get up."

I got up and followed him to a different floor. We walk into a room filled with business men, all looking at me like they are undressing me with their eyes. I just roll my eyes at how much of pigs they are.

Mr.miller clears his throats and says very calmly "are you grown men done acting like 14 year old boys that have never seen a girl before"
I smirked at that, guess I wasn't the
only one who noticed.

The meeting started and it was terribly boring, I wasn't even paying attention. I start to look at mr.miller, he was so perfect, it was a shame he had an awful personality. I looked at his hand and saw no ring, I'm guessing he wasn't married then. I wondered if he had a girlfriend, could someone actually put up with someone like him?

Once the meeting was over we went back to his office to carry on what we stopped doing to go to the meeting.
After sitting there in silence for 30 minutes I decide to ask a question, being the nosy person I am, "so mr.miller, are you in a relationship?"

He smirks, "I'm not interested in you, sorry sweetie"

I was confused, did he really think I wanted him? I would never date an asshole like him.

I scoff, "oh honey, I'm not interested in you as well, so please don't flatter yourself"

He laughed "Thats ridiculously a lie, I could feel you staring at me the whole meeting"

Damn it. "I must admit, you're fun to look at, but that's it." I say trying not to choke on any of my words.

He smirked once again, "oh so you do agree, I'm good looking?"

I just laughed. "Get over yourself"

"Get back to work, once you're done you can leave for the day" mr.miller stated

It took me not even an hour to finish my work, I told him goodbye and he didn't even bother to look up at me. What an ass.

I left work to go see amanda at the hospital. It's always so hard not to cry when I see her. I know she's trying to hold on as best as she can for me. I start to get tear eyed as I walk in the hospital and step inside the elevator.. I always think about how she's the only one I have left. What would I do without her? I have absolutely no one. I quickly vanish that from my head and put on a big smile for when I walk into her room.

"Heeeey" I say

"Wow finally you came to see me" she huffed out

"Sorry, I'm a busy women now" I wink.

We started to discuss work and how it's been, I didn't tell her how he's an ass. I knew if I told her how he talked to me she would force me to quit and that wasn't an option right now. And I wanted her to think I was happy. Even though deep down I know she knows im not.

After being at the hospital for three hours I look at the clock, it's 9 at night and I decided to let her rest. I got home and changed into some leggings and a sweater, oh how I loved the weather in November. I ate some Chinese food and watched Greys anatomy until I fell asleep.

My asshole of a bossWhere stories live. Discover now