Interview time

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Today is the big day. I curled my hair but I did loose curls, tight curls weren't my thing, my hair went passed my mid back. I decided to wear something very classy since it is obviously a big company. I wore a black dress with some lace at the top, making sure not to show too much cleavage, my boobs were only a C cup but hey at least I still had some! I wore black six inches heals and some simple gold jewelry. I didn't want to do too much and look desperate, even though I am, and if I don't get this job I'm in deep shit.

I go visit my sister at the hospital. Amanda is a fashionista, so I had to make sure she approved, plus she's helping me not have an anxiety attack right now.

" Jess, stop stressing, you look hot! They would be crazy not to hire a smart girl like you.. Well actually you aren't that smart" amanda said with a smirk

I just laugh, knowing she's just messing with me, I kiss her cheek and on my way I go!

Once I arrived I walked into the building, I looked down at myself and looked back up and God I looked like trash compared to everyone else. I told myself to get it together and go up front to talk to one of the desk ladies. I told her I had an interview with Chris miller, she gave me a smile and said she will escort me up to his office. We went into the elevator, she pressed number 32. There were double doors, she knocked and I heard a male voice say "come in"... I almost died when I went into the office. The whole entire level was his office! It was bigger than my house! My jaw was just hanging. He goes "stop wasting my time and sit the hell down"

I turned to Chris Miller, I didn't even know what he looked like till now, I imagined some 80 year old wrinkly man.. But oh no, this guy was a god. He had tan skin, tall, brown messy hair, with beautiful blue eyes and nice plump lips with great facial hair. I almost melted. I pulled myself together and finally sat down..

"Took you long enough" he huffed out
"I-i-im sorry, I didn't expect this" i said with a shaky voice
"You're pathetic. You have an interview at a place you've never seen?" He practically yelled

Why was he being so mean? What did I do wrong?
"I'm sorry sir"
"Whatever, I don't have time for an interview but I do need a new employ a immediately, I looked over the resumé and I guess you'll do for now"
Omg I got the job!!
"Omg thank you mr.miller! I won't disappoint you!"
"Just get out already, be here at 5 am tomorrow"

I went home and called my sister, she started crying she was so happy! I decided to take a bath and head to bed, big day tomorrow.

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