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"Excuse me?"
The bell had rung for first lesson and Luke was swinging his backpack over his shoulder. He looked around to see the girl who had sat next to him and passed him the note. She had sleek, black hair and olive skin. Her dark eyes were warm and she had a slim frame.
"Huh?" he replied unenthusiastically.
"Do you know the dude who wrote that note about you?"
"You read it?" She nodded slightly sheepishly.
"Could be anyone," he answered flatly, "everyone seems to have it in for me in this place."
"Huh," The girl hesitated slightly, then held out her hand with a smile, "Carla Jasper."
"Luke Oriss," he shook her hand somewhat nervously.
"By all means stay here all day, you two," called a disgruntled Mr Hargrove, "but I won't teach you anything!"

Later in the day, at lunch break, the boys met up to discuss their days so far. Ella Turner was there and Carla decided to tag along with Luke, as she had "no other friends to hang out with".
"What have you been doing for 4 years with no mates?" Felix asked, half laughing.
"I play video games."
"Your messin'"
"My dad works in Resources."
"And he brings your console to school with him?"
"Damn, that's a cool dad."

While most of the group talked about video games, Joe decided to speak to Ella. He needed to be cool, act like he didn't care. He ruffled his dirty blonde hair and turned to face her. He hoped he was good at flirting.
"Hey Ella," he said with a smirk. She greeted him warmly. Joe took one look at her and we immediately transfixed. Ella laughed.
"Dude, eyes up here!" Joe took a second to notice his mistake then he blushed in embarrassment.
"Don't worry mate, you're not the only one." Joe chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. Austin noticed and announced,
"I think Joe got rejected the hard way!" The group erupted in laughter, all except Joe, who looked liked he'd been slapped. Luke could barely suppress a grin.

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