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Hi, I'm the author, Emma! I'm informing you here that since I have a bazillion other books, this one will probably have slow updates. I got inspired by this during a conversation with PrincessRainbow121 about how much the Frozen 2 songs reminded us of the Maximoff twins. So enjoy this story guys!


Pietro Maximoff tossed and turned in his bed. The ten year old prince of Sokovia couldn't sleep with the northern lights dancing outside of his window. He couldn't take it anymore, and jumped out of bed, running over to his sister's side of the room.

"Wanda, Wanda! Wake up, wake UP!"

"Go back to sleep," His twin murmured, still mostly asleep.

He dramatically flung himself on top of her. "But I can't! The sky's awake, so I'm awake. So we have to play!"

"Go play by yourself." Wanda shoved him off the bed, before going back to sleep.

Pietro sat on the floor, trying to figure out a way to get her to play with him. He looked out the window again and noticed the snow that was falling. He and Wanda's pajama's were nice and warm- suddenly, he smirked. He had an idea.

He climbed back onto Wanda's bed. He cracked one of her eyes open. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

Three minutes later, the twins were running quietly down the stairs and out of the door. Pietro was laughing excitedly and Wanda was shushing him.

Once they were outside, Pietro looked at his sister with huge eyes. "Do the magic, do the magic!"

Wanda giggled. "You gotta move the sticks out of the way except for two!"

"Alright," Pietro pouted. Then there was a flash of blue and while the boy was in the same position, the sticks were gone.

"Thanks, Piet. You ready?"

"I'm ready! Do it! Do it!"

Wanda moved her hands, and red energy drifted out of them, flowing around the snow, rolling it into balls, and then stacking those balls on top of each other. She over a few pieces of coal and twigs onto the stack, along with a carrot nose. The twins laughed at the snowman.

"I love it!" Pietro declared.

Wanda laughed. "You'd never think you're the older one!"

Pietro stuck out his tongue at her.

Wanda levitated a couple of branches, testing how much she could hold. Pietro jumped up on the one closer to the ground, making her giggle.

He jumped up on the next one. "Again!"

Wanda moved the first branch back in front of him, and he jumped onto it. "Again, again!"

Wanda did it a couple more times before he starting moving too fast. "Pietro! Slow down! I can't-" Her foot slipped, sending her crashing to the ground. "Pietro!" She yelled again, trying to catch him.

Her small burst of energy hit him in the head instead. He landed safely on a snowbank, and she tore over to him. "Pietro! Pietro!" She arrived next to him. His eyes were closed, and she desperately tried to shake him awake, pulling him onto her lap. "Wake up! Wake up!"

'Máma, Táta!' She called telepathically.

Her parents arrived two minutes later, running over to their young twins. "Wanda!" He father exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident! I'm so sorry, Pietro!" She pulled her brother closer, feeling guilt eating her alive.

Their mother picked up the unconscious little boy and their father picked up Wanda, and the ran back into the palace. The man hunted for and found a book, opening it and pulling out a map, quickly issuing them to the car.

About an hour later, they were stopped by a few guards. The father said something, Wanda didn't hear what, and they were allowed to pass. They parked in a wooded area, where they were soon met by a man with an eyepatch. He scared Wanda more than a little as she was issued out of the car.

"Thank you for bothering with this personally, Directer Fury."

"It is no trouble, King Erik. Was she born with the powers, or did she somehow receive them?"

"Born. And they've been getting stronger."

Fury put his hand on the young prince's head. "Luckily it was only his head. He will wake up soon on his own. If it was his heart, that would be a different matter. But I do suggest one thing."

"What?" King Erik asked.

"I ask that you allow me to remove all memory of his sister's magic from his mind."

"But he has powers, too," Wanda whispered.

Fury knelt next to her. "I know. But with your powers... it might be better for him not to know about them, so this won't happen again. Do you understand?"

Wanda nodded, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Fury pulled out a small device and held it up to Pietro's head. He pushed a few buttons, and then pulled it back down, nodding.

Then he turned to Wanda. "Your powers will only grow. There is beauty in it, but also great danger. There will be those who will be scared of you, and turn on you. You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy."

Wanda nodded, though she was terrified.

"We'll protect her," King Erik said. "We'll bring her back to the palace, and lock the gates. We'll keep her powers hidden from everyone. Including Pietro."

Risen (The Maximoff Twins) •On Hold•Where stories live. Discover now