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Seriously, if anyone is good at art, I'd appreciate art for this.


Pietro raced along on his horse, desperately trying to figure out where Wanda could have gone. He found himself outside of a trading post. He sighed, sliding off of the horse. It was early spring, and in Sokovia, that meant snow.

Pietro shivered, and reread the sign. "'Stan's Trading Post' oh! 'and sauna'!" While that certainly sounded nice, he didn't have the time. He walked into the building, where he was greeted by the owner.

"Hello! Nice to see you today. Can I help you?"

"Just trying to find some more casual winter clothing," Pietro answered.

The old man gestured to a shelf lined with winter clothes. He smiled. He took out a black jacket with white arrows up the sleeves, a blue shirt, and, after some debate, a pair of jeans. He grabbed a pair of running shoes that looked like they would get excellent traction.

He went to the counter to pay for them when a snow-covered duo walked into the post. A man and a woman. She unwrapped her scarf. Her short, frizzy red curls tumbled down when she removed her hat.

The man tugged off his hat. He also had a fair case of hat hair. Pietro gave them a smile, which the man returned. They didn't seem to recognize him. For whatever reason, he didn't care.

Pietro payed for his things, darting to a bathroom and changing before re-emerging. The man and woman were paying. "Sh**," The woman mumbled as they came up $50 short. "Can we come back later?"

"I'd say yes, but since you're clearly not from here..." The owner said.

"We get it, we get it," The man said as his companion grew more and more annoyed. "But-"

"No need to worry," Pietro said, sliding $50 to the owner.

"Thanks..." The man said trailing off.

"Pietro," Pietro filled in with a smile, which the man once again returned.

"Well, Pietro, I'm Clint. And this is my friend, Natasha."

"Hi," Natasha said insincerely.

"What brings you guys to tiny little Sokovia?"

"Umm, work."

Suddenly, Pietro felt like someone hit him in the head with a shovel. "Holy sh**, you're Black Widow and Hawkeye! How did I not notice that?!"

Clint laughed. "We're good at the spy thing, that's why. We're here to find Princess Wanda, try to get her to calm things down."

"I'm trying to do the same thing. I am her brother, after all. I'd rather this not get bloody."

"You're-" It was Clint's turn to be shocked. "You're King Pietro?!"

"In the flesh. I can sign autographs later."

"God, you're like Tony, but younger."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment."

"You really shouldn't," Natasha said.

"So, if she's your sister, mind telling us exactly what happened?" Clint asked as they left the post.

"So, I was telling her that I was planning to open the gates full-time, and she didn't like that. We got into an argument, and I took off her glove, and one thing lead to another. Then she shot up a force field on reflex and here we are."

"Well, that sounds avoidable."

"Yeah... I'm not the best at controlling my temper."

"Did you know before that she has powers?"

"I didn't, actually. I don't know why no one told me, since I have them, too. It's super speed, though. Not magic."

"You're a mutant, too?" Natasha sounded surprised.

"If that's the word for it, yeah."

"I think a good plan of action here would be to team up with you, if you don't mind, your highness," Clint said.

"Of course I don't mind. And just call me Pietro. Anything else sounds too formal." He said with a charming smile.

"If you say so, Roadrunner," Natasha said.

"Hey! Only king-approved nicknames!"

"It'll grow on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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