The Coronation

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SOOO since the original words of the coronation speech in frozen are in Norse, I'm translating them into English. You're welcome. Also again, to avoid confusion, I did *sigh* cut out the romance elements of Frozen. They wouldn't really fit the storyline. It was a painful thing to do. Also, the Battle of New York didn't happen, and Loki isn't a known villain or anything.


Pietro ran into the sanctuary, immediately finding himself shoved beside Wanda. "Oh, I don't think I'm supposed to-" He started to say as he was pushed close to his twin. "Ooook then," He said when he found himself so close to Wanda that they were touching. He scooted over.

He turned to lift the ceremonious objects from the pillow, lifting them as he turned to face the crowd.

"As he holds the holy properties," The priest chanted in Sokovian. "And is crowned in this holy place, I present to you forward, King Pietro, of Sokovia." (I learned the words specifically for this, obviously, change the pronouns for Frozen...)

Pietro caught Loki's eye, resisting a laugh as the young man waved at him as an elderly man slept on his shoulder.

Soon, he found himself at the party, his most eagerly awaited part. "King Pietro and Princess Wanda of Sokovia."

Wanda stood next to him. "You look good," She said, catching him off guard.

"You look gooder- er, um, not gooder. Better. You look better. Beautiful, actually." Pietro stammered.

Wanda chuckled. "So this is what a party looks like. And what is that amazing smell?"

The twins sniffed the air. "CHOCOLATE!" They said in unison. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"I wish it could be like this all the time," Pietro expressed. "I'm thinking about having the gates opened permanently."

Wanda immediately looked panicked. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" Pietro asked.

"You just- Máma and Táta closed the gates for a reason."

"It would be nice if we knew the reason. But since I don't, I can't see why I can't open them."


She was cut off by a man arriving in front of them.

"May I present to you Baron Von Strucker of Germany," one of the secant said.

"Might I invite you to a dance, Princess Wanda?"

"Oh, actually I don't dance." Realizing that there was no way out of it, she added, "But I suppose that I can make an exception." She allowed the man to take her gloved hand and lead her to the dance floor.

Pietro chuckled, seeing his sister's annoyed face. She looked so different than he remembered. But he figured that she thought the same thing about him. They had only briefly seen each other a few times since Wanda vanished. It was always on accident, and Wanda would quickly run off. He had cornered her one time when they were thirteen, but that had freaked her out so much that he had to calm her down from a panic attack. He had made sure to never do it again.

"Hey, King," A voice said cheerily.

Pietro turned to see Loki standing behind him. "Whoa, Loki! Don't do that."

"Whatever you say, your majesty," The ebony said teasingly. "Can we disappear to somewhere more exciting?"

"Unfortunately, no. I have to stay in here. Kingly reasons, apparently."

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