Part 1

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Jotaro Kujo. His name rolled off your tongue as you brushed your hand against your worn leather bag, the rumble of the taxi the only thing keeping you from spacing out. It was quite an unsual name, it's the first time you ever heard it when the Speedwagon Foundation had called you down as a favor for the known Joestar family. All they said was that your ability would prove to be of use to Jotaro's situation. You had no idea how, but as long as you were paid for your time and you got to leave the lab for an extended time, who really cared? You let go a long sigh as you looked around the busy street, taxis zooming up and down the street looking for business, mothers shopping with screaming children in tow, men and women on their way to work chattering away on their cell phones, etc. the sight nearly made you laugh. It just seemed joyful to you, much different from the interior walls of the Foundation. It filled you with a sense of purpose as you waited at a stoplight. Looking out the window, you activated your stand as your eyes traced their arm down to the red line connected to their little finger and followed it until it blended among the sea of red string. The sight of the crimson mass stung your heart a little as you looked down at your own blank hands, seemingly empty of anything. That feeling was short lived when the taxi started up again, distracting you and deactivating your ability. The taxi driving down the street and stopped in the Grand Morioh Hotel lot. You thanked the diver and paid your fare. Getting out, you opened the trunk and took your little suitcase out before entering the hotel lobby. You passed the front desk without a single glance and ignored the weird looks the staff gave you as you waited for the elevator. You pressed the button for the third floor and waited a couple moments before a muted ding signified your arrival. When the doors opened once again, you stepped out and went down the hall searching for the correct room. You gave a swift knock. The door didn't open and there was no answer from the other side when you asked if anyone was there. You stood there and checked your assignment instructions again to see if you'd made a mistake.
"Who're you?"
A deep, dull voice startled you, making you jerk for a moment before recollecting yourself.
"Hello. You must be Mr. Jotaro. I'm (Y/N), a stand user sent by the Speedwagon Foundation at your request for a helping hand." You gave a half-hearted smile for politeness and pulled out your Foundation ID as he looked down at you with a cold stare.
He let out a grunt as a response and opened the hotel door, gesturing you to follow him inside.
"What a quaint room to be of use in." You set your bag down on the edge of a loveseat and sat on the soft cushions, smoothing out your clothing. 
"You don't need to talk like that. You can drop the act if the Foundation put you up to it." He shed the coat off his shoulders and tossed it onto the bed in the center of the room.
You gave him a quick, warm side glance before looking straight forward.
He took note of your actions and muttered something under his breath before asking, "Do you want a cup of tea?"
"That would be nice, thank you."
You both dwelled in the awkward silence that followed for the next several minutes, fighting your inner urge to fidget with your fingers and instead sat calmly, letting your mind wander.
"So why did they send you?"
"I'm sorry?"You turned your head and blinked at him confused.
"Why did they send you?" He repeated himself with an low sigh and poured steaming water into two cups.
"Oh, they did not tell you?" You tilted your head one way and positioned it back. "I have the ability to see the strings of soulmates and perceive the future. Nobody can see the strings except me. Essentially, watching and manipulating peoples' lives is my ability. It sounds silly, but it is the shortened truth. I'm not aware of anything else my ability can do. They said that I might have the most use in this case so here I am."
Jotaro looked at you strangely and let out a harshly curt grunt of understanding as he placed the cups down on the coffee table and pulled a separate chair up for himself. You looked at the cup he placed in front of you contently. The light tan liquid reflected the ceiling as the sun shone into the cup from behind, you stared into it.
"Can you tell me anything from these photos then?" He pulled a small stack of photos from the inside of his vest and slid it over to you. You looked at the stack and picked it up carefully, analyzing the exterior of the photos before looking at the pictures. Flipping through each of them one by one. You scanned for details in every picture, each person having a mini encyclopedia flutter open to the present for you to read on their face and brief detailing of who they are and what will happen soon, but nothing of significance caught your attention.
"I will need a specification of what to look for. I can tell you the general happenings of each of these individuals, but unless you are looking for someone specific I cannot be of much help."
"I see...can you find anyone who has a connection with a stand?"
You flipped though again and came up empty handed.
"I am sorry. I can't seem to find anyone specific pertaining to your requirements as a majority of these people are to be affected by a stand sooner or later, mainly as a bystander to an attack, either as a witness or one of the persons injured. Are there anymore pictures or must we go out and search?"
"Good grief, I thought your ability would make this easier...guess not..."
You looked at him blankly after he spoke. It wasn't the first time your ability was useless, but a ripple of pain still flowed through your veins as the sting of failure ran deep. You watched him pinch the bridge of his nose and rub his eyes, waiting for him to dismiss you.
"Lets go take more pictures then." Jotaro groaned as he pushed himself out of his seat and went to a backpack hidden in the corner of the room, pulling out a camera and a couple rolls of film.
You raised an eyebrow as to what he was doing.
"Here. Catch." He tossed the small canisters to you and you barely catch them in your hands. You looked at the little cylinders confused. Embarrassing as it was, you've never taken a picture before.
"I have another camera. Here."He placed a little rectangle down on the table as he slung another around his neck. "I'll meet you down in the lobby after you sort out your things since you'll be staying here a while."
You nodded and gulped down a ball of spit, picking up the camera hesitantly and looked through the little peephole. Aiming the lenses, your hands and fingered explored the unfamiliar object and pressed every button you could find like a toddler. Jotaro slipped on his jacket and looked at you barely amused.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking a picture..."
"Then why is your finger on the flash button?"
"...", You looked down at your fingers and moved it to a small switch at the top, hoping it was the right thing to press.
"You don't know how to use a camera do you..."
"No, but I will figure it out."
"Good grief...give me that.", he tipped his hat as he walked over and snatched the camera out of your hands, demonstrating what each button would do. "Look here's all you need to know. You look though this, the viewfinder, to see what you're taking a picture of," he pointed to the small window of glass at the top of the middle section, "This button is the shutter, press it to take a picture," you brushed your finger against the cool metal circle he pointed at and nodded, "And finally you press this and it zooms in and out. You got all that?"
You silently nodded your head and took the camera from his hand.
"Alright then let's go."
He gave a heavily annoyed sigh as you picked up your bag and followed him out into the busy city.

A/N: Finals week is over so I can finally relax kinda. Wooooo. Anyways. It's kinda weird splitting up a story into a whole ass book, but tell me how you feel about it. Based on the amount of words I have typed up in the original full length, there are gonna be about 3/4 "chapters". So...uh...Merry Christmas ('▽`)

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