Chapter 3

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I hope you've liked this series so far! Basically the story continues, Adrien comes in this chapter, and she overhears her mom and uncle talking. Enjoy!

Brielle POV

I started at having heard a knock on the door. I got off my new ridiculously comfy bed and opened my room door, expecting it to be Mom or maybe Uncle Gabriel. But no, they were still having a heated argument downstairs. Instead it was a pudgy man who introduced himself as Hank.

"Hello, mademoiselle. I have your dinner here." He held up a silver tray for emphasis.

"Uh, thank you sir, but I'll eat with my mom and uncle," I said, attempting to be polite.

He gave a hearty laugh. "Oh no, Miss, I'm your chef for your time here. Never fear, Hank is here! Anyway, your uncle has requested me to send you your dinner. He and your mother are eating their dinners over a discussion in his study," Hank explained.

My heart sank. A meal by myself, the day after my home burned down? Strange, just yesterday I had been eating dinner with my parents. And now Mom couldn't even get a break to eat a bite with me and Dad was on his way across the globe.

I thanked and dismissed Hank, then closed the door and returned to my bed. It was fun to eat like this, but I was used to family style eating, not a single portion like this. The food was delicious, but tasted bland without anyone to enjoy it with.

Shortly after I'd finished, I heard the main door open downstairs. Thankfully Mom and Uncle Gabriel has cooled their conversation enough for me to hear it.

Then a clear male voice called out, "Father? I'm home!" Adrien. I wondered if he even knew I was here.

I walked down the stairs and promptly ran into Hank. "Ah, mademoiselle! Your cousin has returned. He is currently eating in the dining room," Hank said, gesturing to a door to my left. "You should say hello. His father couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge him this afternoon."

I winced. Poor Adrien. "Yeah, I'll go in. Thanks, Hank."

"My pleasure," he said with a wink before disappearing through the kitchen door.

I walked over to the dining room door and paused, my fist awkwardly positioned, ready to knock. I let out a deep breath and rapped on the door.

"Uh, come in? It's not necessary to knock," Adrien called out.

I pushed open the door and looked at my cousin. He looked older than I had imagined him, with a more defined jawline. His green eyes gleamed playfully and his blond hair was spilled out in a messy mop. "Hello," I said, attempting to keep it casual.

His eyes narrowed slightly. "Who are you?"

"Oh! Sorry, Uncle Gabriel may not have mentioned I'd be coming. It's me, Brielle." I held my hand out awkwardly for a handshake.

His face erupted into a smile. "Bri! Nice to see you!" He dodged my handshake and went for a hug. "You look older, that's for sure."

I smiled back. "You too. It's great to see you again."

"Yeah." His smile fell. "But hey, why are you here? Not to come off as rude, but I didn't even know if I'd see you for another few years."

I sighed, then gave him the rundown on what had happened.

He let out a low whistle. "Dang, Brielle. Well, please make yourself feel welcome. When did Father schedule your first day of school here for?" Adrien asked.

I smiled sheepishly. "Tomorrow."

He let out a laugh. "Wow, I can't wait to introduce you to my friends! Like, 'hey guys, meet my cousin Brielle who I haven't seen in years!'" We both started laughing. "But seriously, they'll love you."

"Actually, Adrien, if it's alright with you..." I started.

"What?" he asked eagerly.

"Could you not tell people we're cousins? It may sound crazy, but I've never been to a public school before, and I want people to first like me, as in me me, and not just because we're related."

"Nah, I get you Bri. Of course we can keep it between us."

I smiled. I was so lucky to have an amazing cousin.

"Anyway, I should get back to dinner," he said, gesturing at the near empty table. He was eating alone?

"I'll stay with you. Keep you company." He stared at me. "I mean, only if you want, of course!" I said awkwardly, adding a little forced laugh at the end.

"No, Bri, I'd love that! Thanks," he said, an even bigger smile on his face.

So I stayed and chatted with him for a while. Half an hour later, we both stumbled out of the room laughing.

"Well, I'm gonna go shower. I'll check in with you later," Adrien said, walking up the stairs.

"Okay," I called back. I was about to head up the stairs myself I heard a shout from my right. It came from Uncle Gabriel's study. I looked up. Adrien was nowhere in sight. I slowly crept up to the door and pressed my ear against it.

"No, Gabriel! I will not take part in this! This got Emilie killed. Never again," I head Mom say. I stifled a gasp. What was going on?

"No, Allegra, that one was damaged. This one isn't. Please, it wasn't easy to get," came Uncle Gabriel's smooth reply. "Besides, you swore you'd never see me again. And yet here we are. I agreed to let you and your family stay here, all expenses covered, if you just wielded it!"

Mom let out a groan. "We've been going at it for hours, Gabriel. Let's catch a break. Go on a nice walk. Let me clear my head."

I heard Uncle Gabriel reluctantly agreed, then footsteps. They were coming out! I ducked behind the stairs just as the door opened and Mom and Uncle Gabriel walked out. Fortunately, they walked straight out the front door.

I raced to Uncle Gabriel's study. A small brown box with red inscriptions sat on the center of the table. This was the source of the argument? I decided to take a peak, but then I heard Adrien's shower click off. I dropped the box into my pocket and ran up the stairs, hiding the box under my bed. I calmed my breathing and tried to resume my reading.

Shortly after, Adrien poked his head in. "Hey, cuz. How you doing? Ready for your first day of school tomorrow?"

I groaned. "No! I don't have any other clothes! They all burned!"

He chuckled. "Well, you said you were a bit of a designer, didn't you? Feel free to borrow some of my clothes and fix them up to your needs. Then after school we can shop for new clothes."

"Thanks, Adrien. Honestly I don't know what I'd do without you," I said, getting up to hug him.

We shared a little moment, exchanged good nights, and he went back to his room. I yawned, then walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I was amazed by all the products in there, but I was much too exhausted from today and yesterday that I just wanted to sleep.

I crawled into the warm and comfortable bed, and as I was falling asleep I had a thought. What was in that box? But I was far too tired to get up. I fell asleep thoughts of all the secrets that must be hidden in that box.

And that was chapter three! If you have any questions please leave a comment, and if you enjoyed and want more make sure to leave a like!

See you soon!

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