Chapter 6

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Welcome back everyone! I've been a bit busy with holiday preparations, but I finally managed to get around to writing this! And now, onto chapter six.

Brielle POV

I stepped into the classroom. I was immediately faced with countless stares. I found myself fidgeting with my necklace that Luupa had called a miraculous.

A pretty young woman stepped forward. "Hello, dear! My name is Ms. Bustier. I'm so sorry I didn't hear about you joining us sooner," she said. She was so sweet that I instantly just wanted to please her.

"It's alright, ma'am," I assured her.

She smiled. "Would you please be so kind to tell us a bit about yourself?"

I took a deep breath. Less is more. Not really, but I didn't want all these people knowing my life story. At least, not while they were complete strangers. "My name is Brielle Castellano. My dad is from America and my mom is from France. We used to live in rural France, but now... we live here." I spread my arms out and shrugged my shoulders a bit.

Adrien gave me a thumbs up, and I'm pretty sure Marinette saw it and glared at me.

"It's a pleasure to have you, hun," Ms. Bustier assured me. Then she addressed the class. "Mylene, dear," she called out, "please move to the seat next to Ivan. Brielle, you can sit next to Alix. She's told me she's already met you." Mylene looked happy to move by that boy, and Alix looked happy to sit next to me.

I walked past where Adrien's spot was, and Chloé's. I was in the second row, right across from Marinette and Alya. I sat down and returned Alix's smile, happy that I might find a friend in her.

Ms. Bustier instructed everyone to state their names and brief information. I learned a lot about them. Juleka was shy, but nice. Rose was a sweetheart. Kim was competitive. Max was crazy smart. Ivan was strong, but sensible. Nathaniel was a quiet artist. Marc was a dedicated writer. Kagami was serious, but smart. Nino, Adrien's friend that he had mentioned, was a DJ. Sabrina was practically Chloé's slave.

And then, of course, there was the other students I'd met earlier. Alya winked at me, but her friend Marinette wouldn't even glance my way. Chloé, on the other hand, had no problem giving me the stink eye. I constantly saw Adrien giving me sympathetic looks.

"Ignore them." I turned back around. I had forgotten that Alix was sitting next to me. "Don't worry about anyone on your first day," she continued, "they're just giving you a hard time cause they're jealous."

This surprised me. "Jealous? Of what?"

She looked at me dumbfounded. "Uh, of how close you are with Adrien?" she said laughing.

I was about to protest when I heard someone else enter. "Sorry I'm late, Miss." A smooth voice rang out. Luka.

He started walking to his seat, and I watched dreamily. He looked back at me and smiled, and I swear that was all I needed.

I was still lost in my own world when I heard Alix say, "Huh, Brielle, you are a strange one. Listen, around seven o'clock tonight, meet me at the Louvre. There's a sleepover at Marinette's tonight. You should come." She smiled, then quickly added, "Only if you want, of course!"

I considered that. Today was Friday, and other than going with Adrien to his fencing, I had no plans. And it would be nice to meet the other girls more closely. "Alright, I'm in," I decided.

Marinette POV

Brielle Castellano. Huh. An interesting girl in herself, but the main thing I picked up on was how close she was with Adrien. When I had first seen them walk in together, playfully laughing and chatting... I don't know. It made me nostalgic for an experience I'd never even had.

Now, I was sure that Brielle was nice and everything, but I was getting increasingly worried for myself. At first my relationship with Adrien was fine, but Chloé and Lila got in the way. Thankfully, Adrien could see right through them. They were no threat to us.

But then came Kagami. Adrien liked her a lot, and they have so much in common. She's smart, well poised, and pretty. And of course now Brielle. A beautiful girl with an amazing smile. Hearing her and Adrien laughing together was a bit of a blow to me. She was just like him, and he seemed to like her even more than Kagami.

Because at the end of the day, they were all pretty girls with good characteristics. They could laugh and chat with Adrien. And me? I was nothing but a clumsy, stuttering mess.

Brielle POV

School lunch was a new experience for me. Alix insisted that I come sit with her, and I was glad. The cafeteria was a nut house. Kids ran wild everywhere. There was something like an unseen line that separated the room into two; one side crazy wild and the other normal.

I didn't recognize anyone on the crazy side, so I was happy that Alix and her friends sat on the tame side. There was a table of eight, and six were already seated there. Kim, Max, Nathaniel, Marc, Rose, and Juleka.

Alix slid into an open seat. "Hey guys! I just found the eighth member of our lunch group!" She gestured to me, and they all gave me a short golf clap. I laughed and sat down next to Alix and Rose.

Lunch was fun, to be honest. There was a lot of laughter and jokes, and Alix and her friends worked to make me feel welcome. I finally felt like I had a place where I belonged. And getting here was all me. No help from Adrien convincing them to let me join, or a teacher insisting that they invite me. I made these friends, and I intended to keep them.

Later that day...

When the last bell rang, my feet were exhausted and I was ready to go home. Was school always this draining? But no, I had to go with Adrien to his fencing lessons.

I made my way to the gym, where I saw Adrien warming up with his partner. Then two girls came out. Marinette and Kagami. The former went by Adrien, whom she probably didn't recognize because of his face guard, and they had a brief conversation before Adrien lifted up the mask. He laughed a bit and Marinette looked embarrassed.

Then I heard the coach saying that someone new was being chosen for the team. Kagami, clad in a red uniform, stepped forward. She and the director had some heated words, and then Adrien got up. I stood up from my spot on the bench to get a closer look.

They clashed and clashed many times before they disappeared up the stairs. I tried to cut through the crowd to see what was happening, but it was no use. Then I saw Marinette running up stairs on the other end and decided to follow her.

Marinette stopped in front of the library, watching with wide eyes. The teacher and I climbed up from different ends at the same time just to hear Adrien and Kagami both yell out, "Who hit first?"

Marinette stuttered out that she thought Adrien did, and Kagami stormed out. Adrien protested that she probably did, and raced after her, barely even noticing my presence. I sighed and raced after him.

What a sight we were, Kagami running down the sidewalk, Adrien following her begging for forgiveness, and me, racing after Adrien to try to see what went wrong and if we could make it up to Kagami.

And somehow, even with everything going on, I was able to notice a pretty purple butterfly flying right by Kagami.

Alright, hoped you enjoyed. Like I said, this was just the setup, but next chapter will be all the action. In case you were wondering, the episode inspiration was Riposte. Please feel free to leave a comment about recommendations, details, questions, or really anything!

Have a great day and happy holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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