"A Night To Hopefully Forget"

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*Flashback Continues*
This is it, my lowest moment. I couldn't stop cursing at myself for being so stupid. Now I'm gonna have to suffer. Damn, so stupid. At least I will have a chance to torture the idiot for making me go on this date. Water pours from the shower head of the bathroom. I love how hot the water is, it helps me think but right now all I want to do is zone out.
I hope out the shower and wrap a towel around me. "Damn it, I left my clothes on my bed." Thank god, I only live with females. My mom and dad are divorced so it's just my mom, sister and I. It's even harder that I'm the only immortal in this household. Immortals are really rare and do not travel through generations except for the keeper of secrets' household. I open the door by an inch so I can see if anyone is in the room. I tiptoe out the bathroom and creep to my bed when my room door bursts open. "Man, I knew I should've locked it." I was murmuring under my breath. "Gordan is here", my sister said while batting her eyes. "Ha-ha-ha", I said sarcastically. "Now can I get dressed?!" Why can't I just get some peace?! "Fine, your no fun!" I was breathing a sigh of relief when my mom came into my room. "Why is a boy here?! Why is he saying your going on a date with him?!" Since my dad isn't around my mom has to fill in the dad role sometimes. "Mommy! Calm down! It was because I cheated during a race with my friends." "Oh..." "But if he tries to make a move on you stab him with a kebab skewer, okay?" And with that she left the room. "Oh, I intend to", I said mumbling under my breath.
I finally got dressed and walked out of my room to see an over excited Gordan annoying my sister, Annie. He looked over to me and started freaking out and I could've sworn I saw a nosebleed and a bulge in his pants. Typical, I thought while rolling my eyes. I was just wearing the usual giant sweater, shorts, leggings and high tops with the added hipster glasses and beanie. "Can we just hurry up and get this over with?", I asked getting rather impatient. "Yeah, come on let's go!", he said a little too enthusiastically.
I walked out of my house to see Gordan's parents in their car. "I'm not going in that, that is the end of the line." Before he could protest I levitated him and myself to my best friend's house because of the deal that he had to accompany the date. I can't even think about it without gagging.
I landed on the ground with no problem while Gordan was struggling to get his feet to function. Some would think I am being rude and harsh because I'm not giving him a chance but you try being followed all the time, I mean doesn't this count as harassment?! I started walking towards the door and was about to knock when the door flew open and hit me in the face. I fell back on my butt in pain, why does that door even open that way, in my head that seems pretty stupid.
"Your always so clumsy." Ugh! Figures that he would be the one that just happened to open the door at the exact same time. He was helping me up when I heard the last thing I needed to hear. "AHEM! Why are you touching my date?" Gordan, yep. "She's not just your date, she's mine too you know, if you didn't notice we are all having to go on one together", my best friend cleverly remarked. "Will you both just cut the crap?! I don't want to be hear with any of y'all so let's just get this thing over with!" I was so sick and tired of the both of them, I wasn't suppose to have this date with any of them, I was suppose to have one with Netflix.
"Fine.", the both of them said in sync. I started levitating all of us and we were on our way to an amusement park. I picked a crowded place so I could "accidentally" lose Gordan.
We arrived and bought our tickets. It was huge, anyone could get lost in here. Bot the boys were entranced by everything surrounding us so I took the chance and escaped. I ran to the far part of the park. I was standing next to the Ferris Wheel and decided to go on it.
It's so nice to be alone and just looking out at the horizon. The view just takes my breath away. The ride ended too soon and I was left with the longing feeling of wanting to be alone when I bumped into this huge crowd of people around my age. To my surprise, it was Amythest, Nova, Tyson, Charles, Hasani, and Destiny. All the other immortals are here as well?! Destiny was shapeshifting into different people and was absorbed into her phone. Amythest, as usual, was planning with Nova which rides they should go on first. Tyson, Hasani, and Charles were all checking out the girls passing by. They clearly were to busy, they didn't even notice I bumped into them and fell. The boys were the first ones to notice but I wouldn't have bet money that they would be the first ones.
"Hey, a girl is laying on the ground staring at us guys.", Hasani said not knowing it was me. Tyson and Charles both looked but couldn't recognize me too. I looked to see if the girls would but they were gone! I got up and dusted myself off. "It's me guys, Dani?" "Seriously?!", the guys exclaimed in unison. "Umm yeah?", I didn't think I looked different. "Wow, you don't look like crap today!", Tyson just had to open his big mouth. "Screw you." I was so not feeling it right now. After that I just walked away knowing that talking to them would just infuriate me.
~1 hour of pure torture later~
Gordan soon found me and I had to go on a billion rides with him and they weren't even fun. He went on the little kid ride and even the little kids looked at him like he was crazy. I was getting fed up and having to give my date a piggy back ride was not what I wanted. He threw up on almost all the rides and kept whining about every single little things. He bombarded me with annoying bad jokes and facts that I really didn't want to hear. Soon, I finally found the idiot talking to the guys. "Seriously?! You are suppose to be on this date too!" "Sorry I just saw the guys when I was trying to look for you and we decided to go on some rides." That was no excuse, Gordan is so irritable. I made him hold Gordan and we both walked towards the exit. I just felt to fed up to continue so I decided the date was over.
I levitated all of us to Gordan's house and just dropped him at the door step. I levitated to my best friend's house and we both decided that I was gonna crash at his house for the night. We watched a quick movie and soon I wanted to sleep. We were in his room. I was going to go to sleep on the couch with one of his giant t-shirts on and he gave me one of his basketball shorts. He gave me a couple of pillows and a fluffy blanket. Not to long later, I fell off the couch and onto the floor which woke him up with a jerk. "Do you wanna sleep on the bed?", he asked in a drowsy voice. "Can I?" "Yeah just don't kick me in the face or anything." I was confused, I thought he meant that he and I would switch spots. "Can't you just sleep on the couch?", I asked. "Nope. My house, my rules." "How about the floor?", I asked again. "Do you want to sleep or not?", he asked annoyed. "Fine, scoot over. You better not fart or I will kick your ass.", I said being serious. After that we just slept, don't dare think anything dirty. Nothing happened. He just ended up kicking me in the face and got one in return. This would sound really uncomfortable and awkward to some people but we are best friends so we don't feel weird about anything. Thank God, it was all a dream though but it wasn't just a repressed memory of a bad date.

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